Tomorrow is our very last day here at the Portland Sportsman’s Show. @thesportshows Come make sure you give Tilly some extra pets! 🐾
#oregon #portland #expo #pdx #dogs #dogtraining #sherwood #dogtainer #portland #sportsmans
Cash is exploring a new career at @phelpsgamecalls
Come stop by the booth and pickup some merch! Pick our brains about the dog training services that we offer and find out about some really exciting opportunities in 2025.
Hope to see you there! 🐾
#portlandexpo #pdx #dogs #sportsmansshow #oregon #Puppy #boardandtrain #dogtrainer #marvinpiercedogteacher
Meet Primo, a 2-year-old German Shepherd eager for a new home!
Primo was formerly owned by one of our employees and needs to find a new home due to no fault of his own. He trained with us and is a super cool dog. He has a lot of energy, so we see him going to an active household. He is trained on the treadmill and has been out with Marvin to run alongside the Kubota.
If you are interested in adopting Primo reach out to us at 503.730.0827 or [email protected]
Marvin’s got a bunch of custom leashes made in different colors and sizes for the Sportsman’s Show at the Portland Expo!
Comment the color you’re hoping to see at our booth this year!!
When can you come visit us? Feb 12-16th
We’ll be at booth # 1401!
Did you know we’re heading to the Sportsmans show Feb 12th-16th!? Cash, Bear and Tilly will be there to join us at the @portlandexpocenter
Come drop by and say hi to the team, checkout what’s going on! We will have custom leashes, collars and much more for sale at our booth!
Hope to see you there, don’t forget to ask for a picture while you’re at the booth. 📸🐾
#portland #expo #sportsmanshow #dogtraining #oregon #portlandsportsmanshow2025 #dogs #puppy #pdx #marvinpiercedogteacher
Stepping up your dog training.
#dogtraining #podcast #oregon #dogs #puppies #marvinpiercedogteacher
Name recognition is so important! We love to take packs out and test if they really know what their name is. Could your dog stay and wait for their name to be called?
When it’s cold outside sometimes training comes into the barn! Do you see any dogs you recognize? Mariah rocked working on place with all the dogs!