I don’t know why I bother trying to ask for help online.
The babies hatched over this week and the one had me stumped. Not because I didn’t know what it was but because I was overthinking and over complicating what it COULD be.
Now my Sire: Nana has fathered many many babies for me. But never a banana and a lesser banana in the same clutch. So I’ve never seen them side by side till yesterday.
It was the little lesser banana that was throwing me. And when I attempted to ask in ball python morph identification groups my post got denied (so I edited it) and then the comments were just all over the place with rando guesses. If you’re not 100% sure then don’t answer the question!
Now I’m pretty sure I’m banned from posting for replying to someone that the Sire is in fact 100% banana when they said he’s not.
I’m sorry for attempting to seek out correct information. Jesus fu***ng Chris. I hate the internet. This is why I don’t post hardly ever. It just pi**es me off without actually helping.
Anyway, here’s the babies