Hello everyone! It has been a very busy few weeks of riding lessons with different students, many horsemanship lessons with different clients, horse starting, helping horses with issues and problems, and scratching out time to work with all my own horses. In addition, teaching, coaching, and mentoring my intern, who I appreciate immensely. This photograph does not capture all the horses and riders that I have been working with. This is just a snapshot of some of the business that Elliston Equine Solutions has been up to lately. Also, help create an understanding of the wait list that we have, and please have patience. Your horse is on the list, and we look forward to working with you. What is going on in the future? Still here to help all the horses, students, and needs of our clients. Also, taking horses horse to a film that is in production. Good things are happening on all fronts. I wish the best for those staying tuned in on this platform, my friends, clients, students, interns, and most importantly, all the horses. 17 November, Sierra Vista, Hereford, and the surrounding community
Cheers - Travis