It is beyond heartbreaking and hurts beyond words to share that we had to say goodbye to Sailor this morning. Sailor was the embodiment of the 'gentle giant' attribute. As sweet as could be and couldn't hurt a fly attitude, he held such a special place in our program and in our family. Sailor was the first ride for many beginners, kept his riders safe on their first trail ride, and was so gentle with all of his special needs riders who would ride and handle him. Sailor was intelligent beyond words, somehow he knew exactly which riders to be slow and careful with and which riders needed a little pushing to ride to their full potential. His playful, goofy personality made him an easy favorite of so many riders. Sailor loved playing in the creek during summer camp, galloping through the snow in the winter, treats at any time of day and especially loved all of the students and friends that made his life so special. He was so well loved and I think he knew it. I know Rosie was there waiting for him right at the end of the rainbow bridge and was more than excited to welcome him home. Until we meet again, rest easy sweet Sailor.