Anytime Tack will continue to provide Drop/Pick-up Service for Blanket Cleaning and Repairs in 2025.
We understand changes are annoying and may upset some customers. However, after a few years of doing this we need to re-align in providing this valuable service to our customers.
Feel print the attached form and fill out prior to arriving if possible.
Thank you so much for your understanding and continued support.
1. Services must be paid at drop-off. Balances for repairs, etc. will be made at pick-up.
2. Pick-up must be made within 7 days of notification of completion.
3. Due to steep financial service fees, etc. I know this is annoying, it is to us as well. But they are hefty fees for a small business. Payments with a credit card will incur an additional charge. Manual credit card transactions incur and additional charge.
4. We can longer take account credit for blanket service. We pay our partner vendor out of pocket for their services. Cash or credit card are acceptable.
5. Please fill out the form accurately and completely. We can assist, but the contents/responses are the responsibility of the customer. We will provide large plastic bags. Maximum 2 blankets per bag. Each bag needs a copy of the form. DO NOT PUT WET OR MUDDY BLANKETS inside the bags because this creates a superpower environment for mold that may not come out in the wash.
*****If there is a question about the value of an older blanket and/or waterproofing an older blanket; we suggest to error on the side of caution as re-waterproofing is never guaranteed. Every blanket is different and often times one cannot tell effectiveness until it is too late and the horse is wet.****
Also, we encourage you to follow our partner SStitch This Blanket Repair
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Pray Spring is coming!!!