Conference on barky lungey dogs coming soon - save the date!
FDSA is hosting its next day-long conference...
And it's on barky lungey dogs!
8 Sessions on barky lungey dogs!
Q&A will be recorded and included!
Confirmed speakers include:
Irith Bloom
Sara Brueske
Sophie Liu, DVM
Karen Deeds
Amy Cook, PhD
Kim Palermo
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
From 9:00am PT - 5:00pm PT
The comfort of your couch (or bedroom, or... anywhere you have a good internet connection)!
Tickets are $89
Registration opens February 18th, 2025. Registration remains open throughout the conference!
Can't join us live?
All sessions will be recorded (including Q&A!) and can be watched later in your FDSA student library.