It is important to learn the signs of pain in your pet; it starts with having an understanding of their normal behavior and watching for variation. Dogs often go off feed, become grouchy, lick or chew at the painful body part or simply spend more time curled up avoiding activity. There is so much new understanding about pain pathways in the body. Certain modalities (shockwave, e-stim, laser, manipulation, acupuncture...) have better impact on some v/s the others. Certain classes of medications have better impact on some v/s than the others. There are excellent holistic supplements that are beneficial. My favorites can be found at www.pawtree.com/k9strong and are listed on my recommendations page.
Once pain becomes chronic and long-standing, it is so much more difficult to get a handle on controlling it. One of the most common issues we help with at K9 Strong - Rehabilitation & Conditioning, is pain control. Often we assume older dogs are less energetic and quieter because of their age, but most of the time it is because they are in pain. Take some time this month to really observe your pet and consider their comfort level. Ask your vet for an orthopedic exam if they are over the age of 7 to find anything that needs attention. We want our pets to be as active and happy for as long as they possibly can be!