Flat Kitty’s First Snow
FK expressing his excitement, or lack of, about the farm’s first snow. 😁
Happy Magnolia
Thanks to you all for making donations to the Baldwin Humane Society in exchange for alpaca fiber for cat beds. When Abby,executive director shared the news with Magnolia, she was obviously thrilled 😉. BTW, sweet Magnolia is waiting for her forever home. Baldwin Humane Society
Nash’s Birthday Song
When our friends/farm sitters take extra good care of our babies. Including a morning birthday song.
The alpacas had a special treat today. This cutie came in with her llama book ready to read to the alpacas, and so she did. 💕💕💕
Vacuuming is fun!
Walter enjoys when it is barn cleaning time. He comes to where the vacuum is and sits still wanting to be “brushed.” We are trying to determine a way to get him to vacuum, at least his area. 😉🐢
Everyone has at least one job on the farm. Zelda has two, chief critter getter and head trash can retrieval assistant. From the road to the barn, she hitches a ride and assists.
Jubilee celebrating the 4th.
Jubilee thinks standing in the water from her splash pad while she eats grass, is great. She has plain water and water with electrolytes in the barn, but the sipping from the splash pad while eating grass is much more challenging and fun.
Happy 4th to you all!
Some of workers request fans while guarding the gardens. 😁
Maybe he is a bit spoiled.
Bolt’s dinner
Tumbleweed has dental issues that require some additional dinner (mush) for him to get sufficient nutrition. Bolt is envious of TW’s mush so we give Bolt a little so he won’t eat TW’s. Bolt does not like to eat out of Tupperware so he will throw the dish in the air until all mush is on the floor, then he gobbles it up. Who knows why. 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
Strolling in the rain
Of the 20 animals that live on our farm, only Walter thinks a long stroll in the rain is a good idea 😉