Belly Bella Update. We are only a couple days away from meeting Bella’s puppies. Check out our website for more info and stay tuned for newborn puppy picks. #duedate #havanesepuppies #pregnantdog
Buddy is such a smart boy that is eager to please. This was his first “formal” practice on the leash and even though he still has a way to go you can tell he’s anxious to learn and excited to work. He’ll pick up on it really quick. #havanesepuppy #leashtraining #puppytraining #smartpuppy
It’s so important to get the puppies out to socialize. Our local small town feed store, Wilco, is perfect for this. They usually get to meet a few people and maybe even some baby chicks but no meeting unknown dogs and no feet on the floor where they can pickup diseases. #puppysocialization #havanesepuppies #fouroffthefloor
Bandit (green collar). This video is only seconds into my working with him to learn “sit”. He is so smart and motivated to learn. He is easy going, loves to be held and is willing to please. He is looking for a partner to do obedience, agility or just cuddle on the couch with. #puppytraining #havanesepuppy #competiveobedience
Join us on our Mid-Day puppy routine. At this age, puppies are like sponges and are constantly learning so we try to schedule our day to create positive learning opportunities that will help prepare them for their future homes. #puppytraining #puppypreschool #havanesepuppies
Meet Bandit. He’s a smart, playful and fun Havanese puppy. #havanesepuppy #sillypuppy #hypoallergenicdogs #nonsheddingdogs #companion
Meet Bailey (purple collar). She is our fun loving spunky girl. She’s confident and curious but also loves to cuddle. She has the softest wavy coat. She’s a smart problem solver. She’ll make a great devoted companion. #havanesepuppy
What is it like living with 3 silly Havanese girls? Be prepared for spontaneous battles of Queen of the Couch. Nora is gracious enough to allow the puppy, Bella, be the Princess of the Couch, but she is not letting Bella get into her castle. #havanese #havaneselife #breederlife #havaneseofinstagram
Bingo (pink collar) update. She is the sweetest sassy girl. She has a tail defect. She can’t move it and doesn’t appear to have any feeling in it. Also her hind legs are a little weaker and she was a little behind on learning to walk. But she has big personality. She is smart, learns quickly and loves to play with her siblings and people. She has no clue that she’s different. In other areas she is keeping up with the rest. #specialpuppy #havanesepuppy #overcomingobstacles
The puppies got to play in the indoor playground since it was raining today. This is the first time they got to use the ball pit. It’s a little scary since it moves and makes lots of noise. But a couple puppies were brave enough to give it a try. So proud of them. #ballpit #puppyplay #puppyenrichment #havanesepuppies
Meet our extra special girl, Bingo (pink collar). She was born with a tail defect and weaker legs. But she makes up for it with a huge personality. She is Miss Sassy. She does not let that slow her down. She is curious and confident. She loves to play with her toys and tackle her siblings. She is truly a sweet special girl. #havanesepuppy #specialneeds