Jack update! Little Jack had a recheck with his neurologist and he was overall happy with how he looked, he did say that Jack will need to be on seizure medications for his entire life, there is a possibility he will not but we just aren’t sure yet. As far as his eye, it is healing well and it is still up in the air if he needs to have it removed. Jack has a recheck with the ophthalmologist next week, we will have a definitive answer about his eye then. We are so proud of our little man! He has come so far in such a short amount of time. Thank you to everyone for your continuously love for our boy!♥️
It has been brought to our attention that there are over a dozen fake pages using Jack story to collect donations, this is disturbing and heartbreaking that someone would profit off a dog that needs help, this is our only page with the exception of the donations collected through @welovecuddly Our sweet Jack, not much has changed with Jack, we are taking it one day at a time and supporting him in anyway that he needs. He has a recheck this week with his neurologist so we will update everyone on how his appointment goes. We are still waiting to see if his eye needs to be removed, as of right now we cannot remove it because it’s not safe for him to go under anesthesia with his traumatic brain injury. Thank you to everyone that has supported our boy Jack, we appreciate you more than you will ever know. ♥️
Jack update! Our sweet Jack is doing better each day. Now that we have a handle of his medical needs, we are working on healing him mentally. He is unsure of humans but slowly he is learning to trust, and today was a huge break through for him! We will do whatever it takes, for however long it takes to build his trust again. He even played with a toy for the first time today! Jack has a long way to go, but we are so happy with his progress so far! we will continue to celebrate every victory, big or small! Thank you to everyone that has continued to rally behind Jack, We could not do this without YOU!♥️
Donation links
Venmo: @bailingoutbentley
PayPal: [email protected]
Today Jack had an appointment with his ophthalmologist and it was confirmed that his eye is ruptured. There is a possibility scar tissue can form and it can heal on its own, but if it does not he will need to have his eye enucleated (surgery to remove his eye) to prevent any infection and pain down the road. His good eye is not producing any tears so he was given drops to lubricate his eye to prevent any ulcers.
Poor sweet Jack, he is such a trooper. It is going to take some time to heal his body and his little soul from the trauma but we will stick by him every step of the way! Thank you to everyone has supported baby Jack, we could not do it without you!♥️
Jack update♥️Jack suddenly began having seizures Wednesday due to the trauma to his brain. Thanks to our friends at @tazzyfund Jack was able to see their neurologist on an emergency basis the next morning! Yesterday, Jack had an MRI of his brain and the results are disturbing. Jack has multiple old and new skull fractures. This means this was not his first head trauma, the neurologist thinks that some of the older injuries could have possibly occurred weeks ago. His head injury is conclusive with blunt force trauma to the skull, if that wasn’t enough Jack’s eye has also ruptured and most likely will need his eye removed in the near future. The next step for Jack is to see an ophthalmologist and determine what his medical needs are for his eye injury.We have a follow up appointment with the neurologist in two weeks as long as he is stable. The neurologist mentioned that a lot of his vocalization was due to the emotional response to all the trauma. We are here to help him heal his little heart and soul will with all he has endured. He is on new medication that has made an immediate difference, he is feeling so much better. Jack has a long road ahead of him, we are taking it one day at a time and we are celebrating any small victory.Thank you @tazzyfund for helping us with a portion of his MRI bill, and for all of your support throughout Jack’s journey. Thank you to Dr. O'Neill and the incredible neurology staff at @mashvet.Thank you to everyone who donated to help support this little guy! @Jenniferaniston thank you for caring about Jack! Look how much better our boy is doing today!♥️
Jack update:I know everyone is patiently waiting for an update on Jack. He has improved slightly since when we first picked him up, he ate for the first time on his own but gets very tired from standing up. The swelling on his eyes has gone down significantly, but he is having issues opening his eye so we were able to get him some eye drops started to prevent infection. He is very tired and sleeps 98% of the day. Jack’s condition is going to take some time, we are taking each day one step at a time and we are celebrating small victories each day. We are providing round the clock care for him, there’s not one moment that he’s not supervised. Thank you to everyone that has rallied behind Jack! We are so appreciative of your support and your generosity for this sweet baby boy!♥️
Donations for Jack’s care can be made directly on this post or in the methods below🐾
Paypal: [email protected]
Venmo: @bailingoutbentley
Tissue alert! We are crying happy tears for sweet Winnie! We are so happy to share that after a year of being with us, Winnie has been adopted! Winnie is the last of the 40 bullies we rescued from the warehouse breeding operation in LA last year. Winnie’s life consisted of sadness, and back to back breeding, she was used as a money making machine for a soulless human being profiting off her, she was so afraid of humans and was bred so much she could not walk, her skin was so badly infected from laying in her own urine, and her nail was so overgrown to went through her paw pad and came out of the other end of her foot. Winnie deserves the world and we could not be happier for our girl who will be so spoiled forever! Happily ever after sweet Winnie! ❤️
Gus! We could really use some help with donations for this cute little boy’s medical bills! Last night we were asked if we could help this little guy, @alunavet was working an ER shift and had a 8 week old puppy come in (we are thinking he is more like 6 weeks) the hospital that was extremely painful, vomiting, malnourished, has skin issues and just over all in poor condition. The owner/breeder wanted to euthanize because he didn’t want to spend the money even though he brought this life into the world 😵💫 Sadly this happens daily with breeders when you’re breeding for profit and have zero regard for a living being. He will be getting a full medical work up and we will do everything possible for him to live a happy healthy life! Welcome to your new life Gus. #rescuedog #adoptdontshop #fosteringsaveslives #fosterdog #frenchiepuppy #frenchbulldog #losangeles
As we close 2024, I look back on this year and reflect on our devastating losses that broke our hearts, but make us remember why we get up every day and continue to fight for the neglected, abused and abandoned souls. With the animal over population crisis being at an all time high, this year was a tough year for us and all rescues with the amount of dogs needing rescue being higher than ever. Our donations nearly cut in half from last year, while our animal intake grew which makes it difficult for us to keep rescuing more animals when the overpopulation is the worst it has ever been. Because of you all we were able to rescue over 200 animals to date, animals that would have never had a chance are now in loving homes. None of this could have been possible without our amazing supporters, volunteers, fosters, and Veterinary staff. I am so proud of our team for pushing through every obstacle this year has brought us. Stay tuned for the 2025 we will continue to fight because we want to see it change. Consider making Bailing Out Bentley your end of year donation, all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Thank you for believing in us ❤️🐾❤️🐾
With a grateful heart,Kayla
President/Founder of Bailing Out Bentley
🐾PayPal: [email protected] (please send as friends and family so no fees are taken out, or you may click the link below) Thank you!https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=PQXKRHNEVC4S6
🐾Venmo: @bailingoutbentley
🐾CHECKS:Bailing Out Bentley
P.O. Box 941413
Simi Valley, CA 93094