National Veterinary Technician Week- Katie
August is here and so is the hot weather. Horses, like humans, can get dehydrated and even suffer from heat stroke. Horses suffering from dehydration usually have dry mucous membranes, poor capillary refill, and poor skin turgor. Dehydration is something to be aware of because it can lead to heat stroke, damage to internal organs, and cause colic due to impaction. The following are some tips in keeping your equine hydrated: always provide fresh clean, cooled water when possible (horses tend to not drink warm, stagnant water), give them access to a salt block, add water to their feed, and add electrolytes to their water or feed (make sure to also provide a non electrolyte water bucket and follow your veterinarians or the manufacturers directions). Please call us if you should have any questions or concerns about your horse and the heat. 502-722-5079