COOPER 🐾 is a recent Grad 🎓
Coop is surfer boy vibes, go with the flow, no cares in the world type of personality most of the time. Which is GREAT in a lot of instances but also challenging when he didn’t care what his humans had to say or when he was feeling a little on the wild side 🤪
Cooper came in with little respect for anything other than himself - not in a malicious or intentional way - he just did whatever Cooper wanted when he wanted it! We taught him healthy boundaries, skills for his daily life, and gave him a new structure that will allow him to live more cohesively with his family ❤️ a true relationship with your dog comes from leading them into a peaceful life with you, not just leaving them to figure it out on their own!
Life with your dog opens up when everyone’s expectations are aligned ✨
Cooper has the best fam to take his training home & to the next level !!