I wish to announce the re-opening of THE ORANGE SPOT The location will be different and will be located on Hwy 133 near the 4 way stop where Elaine Durhams big super store is located. You will notice a shed being built and we plan to be open year round. Also different will be the absent of my fabulous daughter, Jesse. She has moved on to her big produce business, The Farmancy in Easley, SC She has forever changed the produce businees with her venture!! Want an amazing marteering genius Maybe I can get her to make a star appearance ever now and then, Also we will be open year round and I can assure that we will have the most locale, highest quality produce only equal to The Farmancy. We will be a great addition to Six Mile businrss scene. We plan on having high quality seafood available on the weekend my BBQ (May do babyback ribs this weekend) Also absent will be the co-founder of The Orange Spot DON- THE BEAR LOWERY What a great man and I miss him so much, but since I am his twin I just look in the mirror and have conversations with him on a daily bases, So when we get to rolling stop in at the spot and you will have a good time even if its to say hello or buying some quality food, Remember cheap food is not good, good food is not cheap according to THE BEAR