Check daily for “poop clog” easy simple cure but if left untreated, the chick will not be able to defecate and could die. Chicks get cleaned and go right back out with the other. It’s important to wash hands thoroughly after and sanitize your sink.
#raisingchickens #raisingchicks #ranchlife
Sizzling streak! I think I’ve mastered cooking steak indoors on the cast iron. This was nice and tender with great flavor. We have two cows going in to be processed this month. Let me know if you want to get on the list for 1/4 or 1/2. All natural, Pasture raised, grass fed and growth hormone free.
Sorry you might be seeing lots of videos of the baby chicks. They’re just so cute!!
Spring is my favorite time of year!
So excited for the chicks! Aren’t they sooo cute?! #Chicks #chickens
Very pleased with how well she did! We won’t be cutting anytime soon but all things considered she kept a pretty level head.
Few minor explosions but overall I’m very pleased with how well Rootbeer did.
Standing tied for young horses is just as important as working them. They learned Patience and it’s OK to relax. With it being winter, I don’t work anybody until they’re super sweaty, just keep their muscles moving and their minds engaged so that way when it warms up, we’re ready to put some serious rides on them. #ranchlife #ranchhorse #horsetraining
West is such a good boy! #dogtraining #doglover #bluemerle #aussie #smartdog
Not only cleans their teeth but it also tires them out!
Well he recognized my voice and wagged his tail but he was high as a kite. We got to stay with West for the whole process (except right when they took the x rays) for his OFA Hip and Elbow. #australianshepherd #ofa #healthtesting
There’s a lot of groundwork that can be done that doesn’t get the horse too sweaty in the cold temps. Today we worked with Mojito on your end, some basic lunging of a walk and being comfortable with the flag, touching her #horsetraining #buckskin #quarterhorse