Bru is headed home today after his two weeks with us! With Bru, we worked quite a bit on his impulse control as well as leash skills & being okay being within sight but not involved. Here’s a short clip demonstrating a down/stay, sit/stay, & that loose leash walking 😊 He was also introduced to the ecollar (vibration recall) while he was here!
We talk often about “practical obedience” & how we utilize skills like sit/down/place in our daily lives. Here’s an example of how that can work! Milo has been with us for a week, primarily working on confidence building but also making sure that he knows to listen no matter the environment. Here, we ask for that “sit” while a branch is moved from the driveway. When we mention practicing obedience skills in your everyday life - this is what we mean 😊 You don’t have to have a dedicated half hour to work on things! It’s actually better if you incorporate training into situations like this. Obedience isn’t JUST when the dog is in the ring or JUST when you’re wearing your treat pouch (although, paying your dog is also important 😉), it’s always.
We visited Barrett today for an In-Home Lesson! Barrett had the unfortunate experience of being grabbed by another dog through his own fence & now that he’s cleared for regular activity post-healing, we wanted to make sure his confidence hadn’t been damaged as much as his ear. Thankfully, happy Mr. Barrett seems to have escaped the incident with his training & love of life intact ❤️
We can’t always prevent things from happening to our dogs, but we can be diligent in our reaction to those things to make sure they don’t have lasting impacts.
Archie is headed home after his week with us! We worked on his recall, jumping, & learning that the vibration on the ecollar = to come (in this clip you’ll see him dip slightly less than straight to us & that’s because just off camera was his buddy Hallu, laying in the shade right where we were standing 😊)
Bitsy (fluffy) & Cody are both heading back to their homes today! Bitsy was with us for a refresh & Cody joined our Off Leash Club! When working two dogs at the same time, it’s important that they know their names in addition to the normal release cue (“free” in their case) so we can call one without the other. Prior to this session, neither dog had worked with the other or even had more than a couple mutual potty-only outings (Cody can be a bit too enthusiastic for Bitsy’s taste & that’s okay!). You can see some of that “who even is this 🧐” when they both opted to “Place” at the same time.
Coast (now known as “Hank”!) is headed to his forever home today 😊 He went through our two week on-leash program during his stay, here are some highlights!
Frankie is heading home today after his stay with us for our two week ecollar intro program 😊 We’ve worked a lot on Mr. Frankie keeping all 4 paws on the ground, loose leash walking, holding positions until released, & more. He especially loves “place” (because it comes with a fan 🪭 & water bowl that was refilled after this!)
Rafa is headed home today after his weeklong ecollar intro! We worked on jumping, going into his crate, coming when called, being a little less ✨dramatic✨ when asked to do something he’s not interested in, & of course the basic commands 😊
The Group Class kiddos working on their positional stays under distraction today!
Dodson is headed home today after her stay for the Off Leash Club! Dodson went on an adventure to work on her skills in a new environment & here’s a clip from that demonstrating the difference between recall (her name) & a release cue like “free” 😊
Murphy is headed home today after her 2 week + ecollar intro stay! Murphy is a silly girl that likes to go non-stop…unless she thinks there might be pets involved & in that case, she’s the fastest belly flipper in the land 😂 She’s been working on her recall, not jumping up, her positional stays, & more.
Cash & River are headed home today after their ecollar intro program! We worked on their loose leash walking, responding to their individual names, their positional stays, & more 😊 In this clip you’ll see Cash notice a rolling mule during part of it - they both did so well at remaining calm & listening to instruction despite the distraction.