The Puppy Care Company

The Puppy Care Company ⬆️ Teach your dogs to COME when called every time. Get The Four Rules of Recall. I specialize in Puppy and Rescue/Adoption training. I also teach online classes.

My mission is to share how to create a dynamic unbreakable bond with you and your Pup. I'm a CPDT-KA certified trainer. I offer private in-home training. (One of my specialties is Recall Training!)

Together we can work on jumping, biting, loose lead, recall or any manners you want to improve on. We’ll build your skills and you’ll be amazed at your Pups new found confidence & connection with you.

Did you know that mental exercise is 3X more tiring for dogs than physical exercise?! I promise the training games will be fun for you and your Pup :)

Fun Training = Happy Dogs = Very Happy Humans! I provide —

Private Training
Day Training
Pet Taxi
Field Trips


Do you play hide & seek with your Pup? It's one of Pekoe's favorite games. This team inspires me to follow through on a new hide idea... I think I'll dress all in green and lay on the grass in the park at a distance next time I'm out with a friend. I'll have them hold him far away and out of site until he's cued to SEARCH!

If you're new to the game -

Start easy 🛋️ behind the couch 🍕 kitchen counter, then advance to behind 💦 the shower curtain, or under your bed blanket, behind your garbage cans etc.

It's so fun when they find you!


They are so connected to us! Treat training is so fun, but I love the reminder to add more praise more often.

The angels who step up to foster pregnant rescues amaze me. Jenna & Lindsey, I’m so inspired by all the hard work you’ve...

The angels who step up to foster pregnant rescues amaze me. Jenna & Lindsey, I’m so inspired by all the hard work you’ve done to give these 11! little (ish) ones and their awesome mom a home.
Lenny - thanks for jumping in to help this litter!

The angels who step up to foster pregnant rescues amaze me. Jenna & Lindsey McPherson, I’m so inspired by all the hard w...

The angels who step up to foster pregnant rescues amaze me. Jenna & Lindsey McPherson, I’m so inspired by all the hard work you’ve done to give these 11! Little (ish) ones and their awesome mom a home.

Lenny Ann Schudar - thanks for jumping in to help this litter!

The dog training world can be confusing to navigate... this is a great description of training that prioritizes force-fr...

The dog training world can be confusing to navigate... this is a great description of training that prioritizes force-free /positive reinforcement methods:

There is a lingering misconception that using force free and fear free methods consists of just ignoring any 'bad' behaviour and giving a dog food. The reality is that force free training is so much more than that.

It requires an understanding of the history of dogs, why they do the things that they do and how to change their behaviour. Of how to manage the dog's environment so they don't get to practice the behaviour we don't want to see while reinforcing the behaviours we do want - dogs do what works for them so reinforcing alternative behaviours makes the original behaviour much less likely to repeat.

Most of all it means having an understanding of the dog in front of us, their needs, likes and dislikes, so that we can help them with their fears or show them the behaviours their humans would like without danger of fear and pain, or of the dog becoming frustrated or scared.


✨🙅‍♂️ 100% force-free, reward-based training philosophy
🌟🤝 Lifetime access to course materials and trainer support

 ***ng is one of many behaviors that can tell us so much about our dogs. If you’re curious about any behavior, dig in to...

***ng is one of many behaviors that can tell us so much about our dogs. If you’re curious about any behavior, dig in to reliable sources. This is a great summary.

The more we know about our Pups, the more we can meet their needs…

Is mounting or hu***ng a sign of dominance in dogs?

Hu***ng or mounting is a fixed action pattern (FAP), which are innate behaviours. These are behaviours that are common to all members of a species and require no learning. A Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) is a predictable series and stereotypical sequences of complex actions triggered by a cue -

Hu***ng or mounting is NOT:
Controlling you or another dog
Alpha behaviour
Only seen in unsterilised dogs
Only seen in males
Only seen in younger dogs
To cause you embarrassment
To get your attention or get back at you

Hu***ng or mounting by male or female dogs of any age CAN be due to:
Sexual rehearsal
Burning off pent up energy
General stimulation...yippee, something’s happening!
Stress/Anxiety/Displacement behaviour
A medical issue
Burning of excessive energy (like zoomies)
Ambivalence about a situation or a dog

If you are worried:
Make a note of how many times a day this is happening.
Take your dog for a medical check up.
Contact a up to date science-based behaviour consultant to identify the triggers and the emotions to be able to develope a modification plan to improve the emotional state and hence the behaviour.
What to do in the moment - if the dog underneath seems uncomfortable and stressed then please interrupt. It may mean that the 'top dog' is unable to read the body language of the other one. Rather redirect that energy to a toy or chew as opposed to saying off. Give him something mentally stimulating to do instead. If they are having turns and alternating this behaviour with other behaviours like chasing, tumbling, play bows, etc., then leave them be.
Be careful of your dog doing it to random dogs in a park that he does not know. The unknown dog could become aggressive due to not wanting the behaviour.

Note - many Google searches for this behaviour will bring up the word dominance. The behaviour is not due to such a simplistic, misunderstood term. Dogs do it to pillows, toys or furniture - do you think that they are trying to dominate those inanimate objects? Every dog is an individual with unique emotions. The feelings and motivations for the behaviour will differ from dog to dog but it is certainly not about dominance. Don't believe everything you read on Google and check your trainer's/behaviourist's credentials. Let's not label every behaviour beyond our understanding as dominant 🙂

Most guardians rush to sterilize their dogs when this may not make a difference.

I love the patterns in my day ❤️ the ones we create for our dogs make life easier and more enjoyable for everyone 🐾

I love the patterns in my day ❤️ the ones we create for our dogs make life easier and more enjoyable for everyone 🐾

We can help our dogs cope in our world by providing predictable patterns that they can follow, even when the unpredictable happens.

This requires consistency and repetition, but dogs quickly learn what to do when that behaviour creates a predictable, rewarding result.

Predictability allows the brain to conserve energy which lowers anxiety and creates a sense of trust and security in knowing what to expect or what comes next.

Like other animals, people included, dogs are experts at looking for and finding patterns.

Being able to find a predictable pattern, not just in an environment but in the behaviour of others, helps to make sense of a situation, rather than feeling confused or anxious when no pattern can be found.

When we create predictable patterns, dogs begin to understand what happens and how they should respond when a specific situation occurs.

The situation becomes the cue for the behaviour rather than the cue itself. We often get caught up in using cues instead of just showing our dogs that this is what they should do in this situation.

Pattern games or training a behaviour by using patterns is a really effective tool to use with dogs that are reactive, anxious, fearful or lack confidence.

They’re simple and quick to teach and provide predictability when a situation may be unpredictable.

To find out more about Leslie McDevitt’s different pattern games from the Controlled Unleashed ™ program, have a look at Tanzi Leary’s (CDBC, CPDT-KA, PMCT1, SAPT, FFCP) website -

Additional resources here --

Additional resources here --

The Best Way to Find a Happy, Healthy Griffon Puppy from a Responsible Breeder: Recognize the Flags!

Here are some of the positive things to look for in a breeder.

Member of local kennel club or breed club – the breeder is willing to follow a Code of Ethics and be governed by a group of their peers. It shows a commitment to ethics and responsibility.

Has titles in conformation or performance – they objectively test their dog’s conformation to the standard, temperament, agility, intelligence, etc.

Has a contract/offers lifetime support – the breeder will take the dog back in the event you are unable to continue on as the owner. The breeder is willing to consult and troubleshoot any issues such as training or grooming throughout your dog's life.

You can see their home/where the puppies are raised – a good breeder has nothing to hide. Their dogs are all healthy and happy. Dog areas are clean and well maintained with fresh water.

Makes health testing/vet records available – the breeder can provide evidence of the dog’s (and its ancestors') health.

Asks questions about your life and how you plan to care for your pup – the breeder is invested in the dog’s future. These dogs are not just a paycheck to them.

Knows the breed history and can give detailed pedigree history – knowing the origins of the breed and the origin of their line ensures a deep understanding of purpose and temperament. Having an intimate knowledge of both means they can properly council you on training, behaviors, and health.

Have more questions? Contact us!

"Aggression is normal. Don’t lose your mind if or more likely when it occurs. I guarantee, you won’t go through your lif...

"Aggression is normal. Don’t lose your mind if or more likely when it occurs. I guarantee, you won’t go through your life never arguing with anyone again. "

Knowing what to do when this happens is the KEY.

Some basic tips..

Reinforcement drives behaviour. If the outcome is worth it, they’ll keep doing it. Remember it’s from their perspective, not yours.

Dominance is a thing. You just don’t have to worry about it.

Not all dogs are equal. You’ll have a very different experience with a bull dog compared to a husky. Genetics really do matter.

Aggression is normal. Don’t lose your mind if or more likely when it occurs. I guarantee, you won’t go through your life never arguing with anyone again.

If you don’t like something your dog is doing, don’t keep letting them do it. If they keep running off, put them on a lead. If they keep jumping on people, put them on a lead. You can’t train a dog if you don’t manage the bad stuff.

Dogs focus more on visual stuff, not verbal stuff. Concentrate more on what you’re doing, not what you’re saying.

Dogs have needs. Before you expect them to behave how you want them to, make sure you’re letting them be a dog.

If you want the dog on your sofa or the bed, let them on. They won’t try and take over the household no matter what anyone tells you.

The dog daddy is a terrible dog trainer and a massive t**t.

All the best.

Also, subscribe to our website for our exclusive content:

It can be so confusing when you want help from a trainer. My friend Denise with Mighty Dog Graphics has distilled the to...

It can be so confusing when you want help from a trainer. My friend Denise with Mighty Dog Graphics has distilled the top
3 things to consider.

If you want more information, The following questions and links will help you find qualified professionals. These questions are geared toward trainers, you can also ask similar questions to find qualified veterinarians, dog walkers, groomers and more.

If you were looking for a trainer would you know what to ask? If you are a trainer how would you respond? The 'Transparency Challenge' by Jean Donaldson back in 2014 is something we all need to keep in mind- ask trainers these 3 questions before you hire them.


If you have Kids & Dogs, take a bit of time to listen—




What’s your number? Number of hours in a day your dog stays in a crate, that is? Your maximum (we’ve all had to use it at some point more than we like) and your ideal? I entered the world of dog training as a wee teen and of course, we were taught to tell pet people that a crate was natural. I’ve probably said the phrase “dogs are den animals by nature” hundreds of times. And, they are! BUT we also know that canines in any capacity certainly do not stay in a tiny space for 22-23 hours per day on their own volition and it seems some folks don’t see much wrong with forcing that. Besides the obvious muscular/skeletal problems, bathroom issues (creating dirty dogs through no fault of their own), these dogs often smell poorly and are systematically dehydrated from being conditioned to a lower water consumption (especially when not given frequent water). Like so many things in life, what starts out as a good thing can easily be abused and overdone, shifting the balance from healthy, to quite frankly, wrong. While we see a lot of “crate life” here in the United States, it was the opposite in Europe. Not many dogs live their life in a box, and most of the Working Dogs we met had nice roomy indoor/outdoor kennels, the crate was just for travel. Why the difference? Primarily because most European dog handlers do not have more than one or two working dogs maximum. Perhaps because of our love of consumption, it’s much more common here to see people with 4, 5, 6 and even more working breeds. Few of us, of course are able to have that many indoor/outdoor kennels, and even less of us are able to meet the time demands that come with PROPER care of that many working breeds. Because there’s no professional in sports medicine that claims it’s best for an athlete to stay in a tiny space and restrict movement, these days I keep crate time as minimal as possible (mostly when traveling). Young dogs that stay with us have more crate time during potty training but teaching good behavior in a 6x6 kennel is started. Bad behaviors often caused by boredom (spinning/chewing the fence) are avoided due to the dog having their needs met. So…what’s the number you’re comfortable with?

If you want your training to go faster, take the time to video. I know it seems like more work but in the long run it is...

If you want your training to go faster, take the time to video. I know it seems like more work but in the long run it is not!

Attention all dog trainers! I cannot stress the importance of filming your training and competing enough! This does take practice in order to build the habit of filming, but once you've got that down, you've got to make a plan for how to use all those videos!

1️⃣ I really recommend starting by jotting down how you felt about the session/run. Sometimes it's really helpful to get any emotions out and set aside before you dive into the analysis.
2️⃣ Second, just watch it. Oftentimes, your initial feelings are starting to tell you a story about what happened that doesn't match reality. No stopping, no slow-moing at this point. Just watch it!
3️⃣ Next, watch the dog's reactions. Put yourself in the "coach" role and make notes of what you see. How are they landing/exiting obstacles? What is their obstacle performance like? Focus on the dog.
4️⃣ Ok, now you can focus on yourself. Of the things you noticed while watching your dog, do those reactions match what you were doing? Make notes of these things, both good and bad.
5️⃣ You've been taking notes during steps 3 & 4, so go over those again, highlight things that are a priority and leave the rest for another time; if it is important it will come up again.
6️⃣ Go ahead, watch it one more time start to finish. Have your feelings changed about the session?

This takes practice and does go faster overtime. You'll get an idea of what you're looking for but you do have to grow the skills to separate yourself from the situation and put your coach's hat on to make the most of your training and competition videos.

In Fast & Fluent (🔗 there will be several assignments that teach you specifically how to do this type of critique.

In Train with Excellence, there is an entire presentation dedicated to this material, and analyzing your own training and determining your next steps is my main goal of the mentorship.

💬 DM for more info about either program!

It's that time of year 😫

It's that time of year 😫

‘Tis the season!


Going LIVE on Zoom in a few! Get the zoom link & join us!Spring is here, and we are excited to host another   free Ask-A...

Going LIVE on Zoom in a few! Get the zoom link & join us!

Spring is here, and we are excited to host another free Ask-A-Trainer anything L!VE Zoom today!!

Join us at 1pm pacific / 4pm eastern with your training and behavior questions… our topic is “spring training”… our certified professional trainers can’t wait to connect with you and your canine family!!

Hop along over to the Zoom Link in our bio to register for free

Who’s invited?!
* Dog Rescue Founders
* Animal Shelter Allies
* Dog Foster Families
* Parents of Newly Adopted Dogs
* Dog Trainers wanting to support
* Anyone hoping to learn more about their dog’s training, behavior and lifestyle

Today’s trainers??

Please tag or share with anyone you think may benefit!!


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Spring is here, and we are excited to host another free Ask-A-Trainer anything L!VE Zoom today!!

Join us at 1pm pacific / 4pm eastern with your training and behavior questions… our topic is “spring training”… our certified professional trainers can’t wait to connect with you and your canine family!!

Hop along over to register for free!!
🐰🐶🐶 #/registration

Who’s invited?!
* Dog Rescue Founders
* Animal Shelter Allies
* Dog Foster Families
* Parents of Newly Adopted Dogs
* Dog Trainers wanting to support
* Anyone hoping to learn more about their dog’s training, behavior and lifestyle

Today’s trainers??

Please tag or share with anyone you think may benefit!!


I ❤️ my clients!

I ❤️ my clients!


Solana Beach, CA


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Have A Sniff ⤵️

Hi! My name is Christine Young. I'm a CPDT-KA certified trainer. Do you have a new puppy? Did you adopt a new four legged family member? Create a dynamic unbreakable bond between you and your Pup with science & solution based training & responsible care. I offer private in-home training. Day training and Board & Train options, I also teach classes. One of my specialties is Recall Training! Good manners & a fast recall will allow you to take your Pup anywhere! We can help with with jumping, biting, house training, sleeping, pulling, recall and more. If you have more serious struggles of fear, hyper-arousal or aggression let’s get started. You’ll be amazed at your Pups new found confidence & connection with you. Did you know that mental exercise is 3X more tiring for dogs than physical exercise?! I promise the training games will be fun for you and your Pup :) Fun Training = Happy Dogs = Very Happy Humans! I provide — Private Training Day Training (fastest results) Walk & Train (limited availability) Pet Taxi Field Trips Board & Train