So sorry to the Herum’s on the loss of Nelli. Nelli was a strong, determined and good girl with her own agenda some times. We had a few dog show ventures together with her deciding how the day was going to go. When she decided to finish her championship she did so by going WB at the TCVC specialty and the following weekend in Iowa. She didn’t want to make it look to easy, because of course her first love was her Dad Johnathan and she probably of rather been with him. Her and Johnathan spent many hours in the field together. This is what Nelli enjoyed most of all. Johnathan wanted one more year in the field, but unfortunate this was not possible! I was lucky to have Nelli come live with me for two litters. Nelli will live on through her puppies, which the Herum’s are fortunate to have two! You were a special girl Nelli and I will miss you 😢