Moving so soon?
Unfortunately yes but all my products
will be available on my website GrowYourFutureToday.Org
In the mean time I’m having a 30% Off Sale on grow systems.
I’m open most evenings 4:30 to 7:00 and Saturday from 11:00 to 5:00
Sometimes we need a spark.
No Dirt, No Kneeling, No Weeding, No Problem.
No Dirt, No Kneeling, No Weeding,
No Problem!
How grows your garden? 🌤🌞🌅
Mine grows in water at eye level meaning I never have to be on my hands and knees picking weeds.
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What can you grow with a Tower Garden?
I grow leafy greens such as lettuce kale collard greens spinach broccoli cabbage tomatoes peppers pretty much anything that isn’t a rooting vegetable. 🫑🥬🍅🥒🥦🥗🌶🍆🌱
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You can grow a garden outdoors or even indoors giving you the ability to grow in any climate all year long. ❄️☃️⛈
💚🥬”Lettuce help you be healthy”🥬💚
I’m growing food for the local community and so can you. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
There’s always a reason not to start!
The easiest way to get started is by increasing your health.
Get a FREE sample head of lettuce.
Thursday through Saturday
While supplies last!
106 E. Main St. Somerset Ohio
Open today from 10:00 to 4:00
106 E. Main St. Somerset Ohio
This is what 5 weeks of growth looks like during winter months.
Do you have a plan of survival?
If you are interested in getting a Tower Garden, you can get one here but you need to hurry. Supplies are running out =>
"We need to change our way of thinking and seeing things. We need to realise that the Earth is not just our environment. The Earth is not something outside of us. Breathing with mindfulness and contemplating your body, you realise that you are the Earth. You realise that your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth. Look around you–what you see is not your environment, it is you."
- Thich Nhat Hanh -
What can you grow with a grow tower?
Food, lots and lots of food.
For more information go to