Lantern corridor underway
You guys, the Zoo is starting to look AMAZING! Have you figured out what we’re up to yet? Are you SO EXCITED!?
If you haven’t found out yet, check our website to learn more!
Lions rolling around
What’s better than rolling around in stinky bison hay by yourself? Rolling around in stinky bison hay with a buddy! Kembe and Shaba had a lot of fun with this enrichment—smelling new things is one of their favorite activities!
Thanks to Keeper Stephanie for sharing!
What’s Happening At The Zoo?
Guess what we’re doing at the Zoo! Hint: Check your Zoo calendar for March 19.
Red panda eating
Just a few calm, quiet seconds of a really good boy eating his bamboo.
When you visit the zoo, you can tell our red pandas, EJ and Raya, apart because Raya has white face and EJ is darker overall. Raya’s face is also more oval and EJ’s is rounder.
African painted dog pups play
Throwback! Remember when the African painted dog boys were just silly puppies? They’ve gotten so big now, but this was just a year ago!
African painted dogs are social and have a complicated language of yips, sneezes, growls, and other noises.
Dental cleaning for cats
Dental hygiene matters, even for bobcats!
Keeping our animals healthy from tooth to tail is a big job, and we’re really lucky to have a top notch vet team working on them. Mary Jo the bobcat is 19, a very senior age for a cat, and it’s in large part thanks to her great care over the years.
(And if you’re wondering, animal care staff reports that yes, her belly is very soft and no, they don’t recommend trying to find out.)
Bear gets cozy
Monday mood…Muniri the Andean bear getting comfy in a cozy nest.
Because Andean bears are native to the Andes mountains, an ecosystem with a variety of climates and habitats where food is available year-round, they don’t experience torpor like North American bears.
Masamba picks the Super Bowl winner
Masamba the southern white rhino makes his big game pick for the fourth year! What do you think, is he right this year or not? #eagles #chiefs #superbowl
Cute baby marmoset
This baby white-fronted marmoset wants to know how your day went and is willing to listen as long as you don’t mind them snacking while you talk.
Thanks to Keeper Chloe for sharing the 🎥
Red panda boops
Is a red panda fluffy? Yes, although she’s offended that you noticed.
Thanks for the sniffs, Raya!
Otter slide
Sliding into the weekend like….
We’re open this weekend for Winter Days Saturday and Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm. Enjoy the weather, check in on the animals, and have a blast, just like this otter!
Go ND! We’ve got your back.
It’s the big day, and our animals are ready to help smash Ohio! But whatever the result, we’re so proud of @ndfootball for getting this far! Go ND! Many thanks to education and keeper staff for giving our animals such fun enrichment time. #notredame #notredamefootball #snowleopard #threebandedarmadillo #andeanbears #blueandgoldmacaw