Welcome sweet Elie! Her owners have already been working on training, but she’s here to make a good dog GREAT! She’s an English springer spaniel puppy and just as cute as can be. I always feel so lucky to get to work with such wonderful animals every day! 💜💜
Barkley hit the road today to practice walking, being still and overall being a calm companion in public! He did awesome! The key is to LEAD your dog through these situations. Don’t wait or hope for them to behave: tell them what to do! Their only job is to follow and relax!
Boundaries for Barkley!!
1. Choose your boundary.
2. Teach that boundary to your dog.
3. Reinforce that boundary for life!!
Dogs will never follow a boundary YOU don’t set!
Barkley rocked his first long line session. He learned to prioritize me over the environment in a fun, effective way! He’s a quick learner and doing great! Sweet boy. 💙
Walking your dog can and should be an enjoyable part of your day!
All the stillness, control, effort & routine at home PAYS OFF out here!!
Our pack: Max, Opal, Ruger & Millie 🥾🐾
Our dog, Max, used to be a mess!! He pulled SO hard on the leash, he would jump on us as we were carrying pizza into the house, he ate birthday cake, bread and butter off the table. He ran away for 2 days. He was hit by a car in front of the kids. He destroyed our nice sofa. The list goes on and on. We were struggling badly!!
I was given a blueprint to follow to begin changing our relationship with him. As our relationship began to improve, his behaviors began to improve!
The main change we made was replacing free roaming with Place time. Place literally trains their mind & body to slow down and just be. As we use this more and more, the calmer behaviors then transfer over to the walk, better recall, calmer in public.
Max is on year 7.
Opal is on minute 7.
Just start!! Today!!
Welcome Opal! She’s 4 years old and just a gorgeous sweetheart. 💕
Her owners are struggling majorly with her running off, pulling on the leash, rushing at guests and her inability to settle down in the crate. At dropoff, she jumped out of their van and took off down my street!! SO dangerous!! Recall is the first priority here and she’s already responding beautifully!
She also struggles with anxiety overall. She paces and pants, which doesn’t feel good to her. So glad she’s here. Time for some safety and peace for this girl and her family!
Winnie did amazing today! We practiced all of her new skills at Lowe’s. I guided her every step, so she stayed relaxed and successful!
Too many owners leave the dogs alone to make all the decisions. This rarely works well! Instead, take over that leadership role, especially in public! It makes all the difference! Proud of you sweet girl! 💕
Adorable Winnie is here for our program. She’s a doll! 💜 #poodle #boardandtrain #balanceddogtraining