The Hutchinson Kennel Club offers different types of classes for your dogs and yourself. (more stuff added here) Any inappropriate content can and will be removed at admin's discretion. Rules:
Welcome to the Hutchinson Kennel Club page. This page is to promote the HKC, announce class dates, and announce other events put on by the HKC. With that in mind there are a few things to keep in mind, and
a few rules.
1) This is a public page, so please be respectful when you post. Meaning, use of foul language, or derogatory and/or hateful remarks will not be tolerated. Such posts will be removed at discretion of the site admins. If it is a frequent occurrence, we will reserve to block the user from the page.
2) Please refrain from talking negatively about an instructor, student, club member, or anyone for that matter; again please keep posts peaceful and respectful.
3) There will be no breed discrimination (mixed or purebred), so please do not talk negatively on any breed.
4) There are many opinions that can cause issues, and should be left off this page such as spay/neuter and training methods, as this is a promotion site, not a site for debate. Such posts can and will be removed.
5) There will be no talk of dog abuse.
6.) No talk of selling dogs or re-homing dogs, or promoting your own dog services. If you need help with your dog, please contact us or sign up for a class. Our website is, or you can email the training director at [email protected] .