Benefits of Pumpkin in your Dogs Diet:
1)Pumpkin flesh is high in soluble fiber and can be an excellent remedy for both diarrhea and constipation. The fiber in pumpkin also helps feed beneficial gut bacteria, which will improve intestinal health. Pumpkin helps control diarrhea by absorbing excess moisture and adding bulk to your dog's stool.
2)Pumpkin is Nutrient-Rich=Beta Carotene (VIT.A), Potassium, trace amounts of including Vitamin C, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Folate, to name a few.
3)Pumpkin Benefits Eyes= Vitamin A promotes eye health and the development of night blindness and other eye degeneration.
4)Pumpkins Boost Immune Health= Vitamin C is integral for immune health all-around. When combined with vitamin A (beta-carotene), E, and other antioxidants in pumpkin for dogs, it can possibly help prevent certain cancers from developing.
5)Pumpkins Moisturize Skin & Coat= A number of nutrients in pumpkin, including vitamin A and zinc, improve your pet’s skin and coat. The high water content in pumpkin flesh also contributes to supple skin and a lustrous coat.
6)Pumpkins Encourage Digestive Regularity= A sign of your dog’s good health is whether he is pooping normally. Hard stools or those that are difficult to pass put a strain on your dog’s intestines. Adding a little pumpkin to your dog’s diet supplies the necessary source of fiber to enable your dog to pass stool easily and cure constipation.
7)Pumpkin Can Help Naturally Control Parasites= Parasites, such as tapeworms, can wreak havoc with your dog’s digestive system and cause unpleasant symptoms including weight loss, nutrient deficiency, dry skin, and a shabby coat. Pumpkin has high amounts of an amino acid cucurbitacin, which is actually toxic to many common dog parasites.
8)Pumpkins Aid in Weight Loss= Pumpkins have a high moisture and fibre content, which makes them a powerful tool for your pet’s weight loss. Replacing a little of your dog’s regular food with canned pumpkin (a few teaspoons for a small dog up to half a cup with a large dog) can help your dog lose some excess water and weight.
9)Pumpkin Hydrates=The high moisture content of pumpkin adds more water to your dog’s diet easily and naturally.
10) Pumpkin Tastes Great= Most dogs willingly lap up even plain cooked pumpkin. But go ahead and add a pinch of cinnamon or honey to that pumpkin puree for dogs for a tasty treat.