TL;DR **In short- we will be a little more selective on high prey drive / chasey dogs, and intact males in the upcoming year because of the new addition and shy cat; price changes, vaccine/virus updates**
Now that we're almost half way through January, guess we should wish everyone a happy 2024! The holiday season was a mostly happy and busy one thanks to all of you ❤️ This is a long post, get ready!
🐈⬛ We sadly had to let Bagheera, our "house panther / gargoyle" cat cross the rainbow bridge a few days after Christmas. Diabetes had taken quite the toll on his body, but we are so fortunate he gave us 15 great years and taught literally hundreds of dogs about boundaries and water bowl etiquette. We miss him so much 💔🐈
🔵After we rang in 2024 and everyone went home, the house seemed so quiet with one less resident cat and dog. So, we did the logical thing and got a puppy! (Kidding, this was planned out for nearly a year, but the timing sure did help the heartbreak). We are so pleased to introduce "Mayday", now a 10 week old Australian shepherd female. We were insistent to find a dog who would follow in Salty's paw prints as "Camp counselor", and after her official temperament test she seemed to fit the mold. With lots of training and guidance, we are confident she will be able to take over Salty's duties, if / when he ever decides to slow down (he is 11 but not showing it!). Bronx is ready to be a snowbird and head to Florida to play pickleball (he's 10). Norman is still shy, and a bit shocked at the audacity of a puppy resident, but he'll get there.
🔵It's 2024, which means the price increase we emailed to clients in October is in effect. Current rates: $75/day + tax; for intact dogs and puppies < 1 year $95/day + tax.
😷The "mystery respiratory illness" - most of you are aware I'm an ER technician at Ocean State Veterinary Specialists, the only veterinary hospital in RI with an ICU and critical care and isolation unit. I made a post on the page last spring about the trend of kennel cough turning into pneumonia, which was very prevalent locally last March-June. I also posted it on many local pages. Unfortunately the media didn't get wind of it until just before the holidays. We (in the hospital) track cases (much like contact tracing for COVID) and treat the cases/potential cases as isolation and don full PPE. Luckily, it has not been as prevalent locally this fall/winter. Additionally, my coworkers are aware of my business and I interact with these cases as little as possible, avoiding them completely when able. It is real, but when you use common sense it is not life threatening. We have always upheld cleaning standards and precautions to minimize any upper respiratory virus here, as most boarding facilities do. We ensure everyone is as healthy as possible coming in. What we need from you is to make sure you are aware of 1) keeping your dog up to date on Distemper/Parvo and Bordetella vaccinations 2) only interacting with dogs in places checking for vaccines and symptoms, and avoiding pet stores/parks/other dog friendly venues/stores/restaurants NOT regulating at least 1 week prior to boarding. That's the best way to keep everyone safe! We have not, in almost 9 years, had an outbreak of any canine cough variation due to this policy.
💩 this year more than usual, we had owners report their updated f***l we requested prior to boarding actually came back positive for intestinal parasites or giardia. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR ANNUAL F***L NOW. If by chance they are positive, you will have ample time to treat and clear a test before your reservation. If they are positive, we cannot take them and you forfeit the deposit. We want everyone as healthy as possible!
📅 Peak times: February Vacation is FULL, April vacation is NEARLY full. Deposits are $150 to reserve the spot (non refundable). For the first time ever, we are taking a summer vacation with family. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY, and ask us about available dates prior to booking your trip.! We will likely be closed July 7-July 17, +/- dates. We hope to cover most July 4 week vacations, but will request pickup on 7/6. Official dates TBD...
Thank you so very much, and we look forward to seeing you all soon!
-Christine, Dennis, Salty, Bronx, Norman & Mayday 🐾