We loaded up this week, and may have gone a bit overboard on plecos! We have blue phantoms, gold nuggets, flash emperors, mega clowns, orange seams, paras, sultan, leopard frog, galaxy, hypostomus albino hypostomus, gold spot, albino chocolates, trinidad,scribble, lemon bushynose, regular bushynose, and Redfin beacon. Can’t forget corydoras- Pygmy, sterbai, metae, nanus, panda, San Juan, Julii, albino aeneus, green brochis, gold laser, Venezuela, black Venezuela, adolfi, c123 yellow, paleatus, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few. Other of note in freshwater: dwarf frogs, Redfin hillstream loaches, zebra ottocats, rainbow shiners, redhead koi angels, gorgeous dwarf gouramis, a big senegalus, and some new apistos!
Not leaving out your marine friends: marine betta, juvie emperor angel, small sailfin tang, orange spot watchman gobies, orchid dottyback, leopard and Caribbean sharp nose puffers, small tomini tang, melenarus wrasses, pj and bengaii cardinals, porcupine puffers, chocolate chip stars, urchins, sexy shrimp, and new corals!
A plant shipment is expected later today.