Come on up to see us at the Mountain Top Cafe for a wonderful free day.
Thank you to all who sent support to Little Red. We are so happy to report that he is much, much better and getting back to his spicy self. You are all so awesome and we are so grateful to all of you. Thank you Lynn G., Terry D., Silvie H., Sharon G., Leona H., and Dr. Sara for all you have done and keep doing for Little Red.
PayPal at You can also call Bangor Feed directly at 530-679-1429 or mail at P.O.Box 5, Brownsville, Ca 95919. Thank you for your continued prayer and support.❤️
We are working on staying cool here at the Refuge. Vienna loves water and is happy to stand for the hose. Thank you to all who keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We are blessed because of your support. If you would like to help with salt blocks, feed, or hoof care, please donate to PayPal at You can also call Bangor Feed directly at 530-679-1429. Thank you for your continued prayer and support.❤️❤️ Thank you Wright Brand's for your generous donation to the horses.
I know its been a while since you have heard from us. We wanted you all to know we are ok and weathering these storms better than some. It is hard to be positive with rain, mud, sludge and poo but we know we are going to make it through this winter, it is only a season🥰. With the help of those who care about us we will put the Refuge back to better than before. We need fence repair materials; hot wire; gravel; stakes; stall mats, more stable shelters and dont forget the most important; food❤. We are trying to figure out the best way to meet all these needs. Donations of used material, fundraising, possibly an online auction, sponsorship and suggestions from our villiage, you. Our needs are constant and it is hard to always ask, we do it for them. Here are some ways to support the residents at THR. Our PayPal at Bangor Feed Store at 530-679-1429, mail at P.O. Box 5, Brownsville, Ca 95919. We are interested to hear any ideas you have to help us meet the needs of the Refuge. This is a huge thank you to our core donors who are so faithful. Without you we could not keep going. We love you. Your prayers and encouraging words are like honey.
Update on the founder: Cathy is 10 days post op from her second surgery. Each day gets a little better and a little less painful. All your prayers and good thoughts have made the unbearable bearable. She is looking for ways to sneek a little time with the horses.. 💗Last week we put out a plea for help that we have never had to do before. Your response was unprecedented and raised $2,500 for operational costs for the Refuge. To say we are grateful is an understatement. Your gifts have lifted a huge burden off of The Refuge and thank you is not enough. Not only did your donations relieve a huge burden but your love and caring for us was felt tenfold through your generosity. Thank you for encouraging us in more ways than monetary. Thank you Holley Bernatz, Diane Culver, Stephanie Hughes, Charles Egan, Cindy miller, Jessica Lynn Vente, KellyTreinen, Lynda Silk, Leona Behrend, Christina Haas, Vickie Devahhn, Breanna Dikes, Robert Johnson, Linda Young, Linda Hunter, Lynn Griffin, Becky Hayes, Ellamarie Richmond, Nicole Ashbaugh, Debra Hayes, Sharon Giampapa. Your generosity has made a huge difference to the Refuge❤