Michelle and Chubby conquering the trees 🎄🎄🎄 #mvec #ottb #freshstartprogram #sirchubby
Cleo and Dahlia up and over the XMas tree today 🎄 I’m pretty sure Cleo has an event horse on her hands whether she wants one or not 😂😂 #mvec #ottb #xcisyourfuture
Scarlett and Airborne working hard during their lesson today and looking pretty cute doing it too. #mvec #airborne #bighorseisthebesthorse
This was a fun sight to see yesterday… it was great timing that Nate showed up to open the gate for the parade 😂 #mvec #halloweenparade
I’m not even sure how to caption this besides just saying this is typical Otto behavior 😂 #mvec #otto #ottb #oneofakind #certaintypeofspecial
Airborne was away overnight for some dental work at the clinic, he was super happy to be home and Pumba was happy to have him back. #mvec #bighorseisthebesthorse #airborne #pumba
Moose’s Olympic level water success! 🫎🫎🫎 #mvec #area1 #ottb #freshstartgraduate
This week’s Monday trip was out to Fitch’s Corner with Jill, Nate, Ali and Cole
Georgie was having a marvelous time going for a morning breeze 😂 #mvec #ottb #georgie
Cole and Cassio working on some XC fences yesterday…. This is definitely a new career path for Cassio but so far he seems to like it! #mvec #cassio #jumpjumpjump
This weekend Nate and I traveled to Apple Knoll Horse Trials with Sonny and Moose and hey guess what? It rained 😂. Another wet and rainy day which created some challenging conditions but overall the horses handled it well. Congratulations to Nate and Sonny who were in 5th place in a large competitive BN division after dressage. A double clear round for Stadium and XC had them finish in 4th place overall. The pair looked absolutely stellar from beginning to end of the day.
This was the biggest show atmosphere that Moose has been exposed to so he struggled to settle which was warranted. All of the rain made for great puddle exposure though! He happily marched through them all as we traveled the grounds. I had zero expectation of him successfully entering the water complex on course, but after some extended time (which i shortened for the video clip 😂) he made the “big” step in. We finished in last but the fact we finished on a number and not a letter yesterday was a huge success. I was probably the happiest person with a score of over 100. #mvec #ottb #eventteam #freshstartprogram #waterdemons #area1
Ali and Reagan were working on lots of transitions through our trot grids this week to help work on Reagan’s rideability through a course. Although Reagan would much rather have the “go big or go home” style when it comes to jumping, Ali’s doing a great job teaching him a little bit quieter approach 😂 #mvec #reagan #eventteam #gobigorgohome #ottb