The best way to start my route on Thursdays is at Momo and Jasper‘s house! Notice how the chickens wait for me, it makes me crack up 🐓 They appreciate that we take the dog’s poop…seriously! Who wants that stinking up the coop 💩 That’s why we haul away all the doo we find, from your yard or farm or even a commercial property.
🌐 Visit our website for a free, instant quote!
📞 (253) 361-7662
#paininthegrasssanitation #dogpooppickup #dogpooppickupservice #petwasteremoval #pooperscooper #findthedoo #chickens #chickenwelcomecommittee #thursdayroute #piercecounty #southkingcounty #thurstoncounty #farmlife #petservices #dogservices #womanownedbusiness #pnwdogs #pnwdogslife #washingtonfarms
Don’t let doo ruin your Monday, we got it! Starting our day with happy faces and wagging tails 🐶 We arrive prepared with disinfected tools, disposable booties, gloves, and beef liver (if allowed.) Once we’re done & secure your gate to keep your pets safe, you’ll be notified that we’ve done “our doody”.
Enjoy a hassle free instant quote based on zip code, how many dogs & frequency desired on our website for your convenience!
#paininthegrasssanitation #mondaydogs #professionalpooperscooper #petwasteremoval #pnwdogs #pnwdogslife #dogpooppickup #findthedoo #thurstoncounty #piercecounty #womenownedbusiness #petservices #dogservices #happytails #puppylove #dogpoocleanup
#petwasteremovalservice #doglover #petservices #dogpooppickup #findthedoo #paininthegrasssanitation #piercecounty #womenownedbusiness #petwasteremoval #thurstoncounty #southkingcounty #jblm
Spend more time boopin’ noses!!
Pain In The Grass Sanitation
Cross #2 off your to do list!!
#dogpooppickup #findthedoo #doglover
Wish you could spend more time dancing with your dog?!?!
Hire a professional pooper scooper!
Pain In The Grass Sanitation
Call/text (253) 361-7662
Instant quote☝🏼
Come say WOOF today… 10-3 Chambers Creek
Yup, you can cross dog poop pickup off your TO-DOO list.🐾💩✅🙌🏽
Come say HI this Saturday 7/13!
Please share and follow us @findthedoo
#doglover #petservices #dogpooppickup #findthedoo #paininthegrasssanitation #womenownedbusiness #petwasteremoval #piercecounty #barkbythebay #chamberscreek
Yup, you can cross dog poop pickup off your TO-DOO list.🐾💩✅🙌🏽
Come say HI this Saturday 7/13!
Please share and follow us @findthedoo
#doglover #petservices #dogpooppickup #findthedoo #paininthegrasssanitation #womenownedbusiness #petwasteremoval #piercecounty #barkbythebay #chamberscreek