Merry Christmas from Margaret, Freddie Mercury, Jolene, Betsey, Clementine, Ratler and Dr. Saintsing!
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let everyone know that text has been very erratic recently also voicemail has been erratic as how long it allows people to speak for months and can’t be fixed at least so far. As far as we are aware the text messages should be fixed as of right now.
Also as it says in our voicemail we do not/can not see small animal urgent/emergent services (we are not equipped to provide these services) follow the detailed instructions in voicemail we will not respond to any text/voicemails about such matters. We already receive 100’s of text/voicemail/messages a day we have to triage. The exact same rules apply to wildlife calls/text/messages at this time.
We are sorry for anyone inconvenience the interruption of services has affected.
Video of some extra special sheep getting some extra special treats.
Lambs ❤️
St. Croix lambs and ewes. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ So cute and definitely my favorite breed of sheep. I could have a whole house full of lambs right now!
Right now is our busiest season we are absolutely slammed so if you have a routine visit you are wanting to schedule please text me now! It will likely be 3-4 weeks before we can get you scheduled in. Also we have been getting a lot of spam messages through our facebook messenger so if you have sent a message and not got a response back please don’t be afraid of sending another message so we can get back to you. Also we are getting about 25-50 text a day so please feel free to do the same if you have not got a text back within a few days (if non emergent) as sometimes even the phone gets overwhelmed and does not show notices as it should.