Allons-y Life

Allons-y Life "Let's go!" Full of energy and personality, our dogs brighten and enliven the families they go to and the lives they touch.


I'd forgotten how much fun it is to talk about pet food!

It's Friday!What are you looking forward to doing with your pet?

It's Friday!

What are you looking forward to doing with your pet?

What length of time do you think is best for learning something new?

What length of time do you think is best for learning something new?

The kitten loves to taunt the dogs 🤣Having driven at east 40 hours in the past 7 days, knowing my pets were waiting for ...

The kitten loves to taunt the dogs 🤣

Having driven at east 40 hours in the past 7 days, knowing my pets were waiting for me is a comfort, and it's nice to chill with them now ❤

(He really does mock them mercilessly! He has more than a dozen other places he could play or chill and he chooses to come bother them 😆🤷‍♀️)

Not sure it's for you?Well...Are you a pet parent?A pet professional? Someone simply gifted with working with pets?Great...

Not sure it's for you?


Are you a pet parent?

A pet professional?

Someone simply gifted with working with pets?


I've made this for anyone who wants to simplify pet health for themselves or anyone else.

So comment “I'm in!” below to join us Feb 1st.

Bonus points if you share a picture you with your pet!

(or the friend's pet you want to help - I see you pet sitters out there! 😉)

Part 4You don't have to do it alone ❤You don't have to figure out all-the-things.You can tap into my experience, experti...

Part 4

You don't have to do it alone ❤

You don't have to figure out all-the-things.

You can tap into my experience, expertise, and resources!

As a veterinary nurse, mom, and pet parent, I know the importance of *simple*.

Join me next week to learn how straightforward it really can be! We'll cover:

-How to evaluate a food with 9 yes/no questions

-How to determine the real cost of a food in 5 steps

-How to identify a brand you can trust using a few key factors

(still finalizing the number on that last one 🤔😉)

Who do you know who wants to take the confusion out of the equation and give their pet(s) the best year yet?

(I promise it's easier than the training it took to get this picture 🤣)

Part 3I've already brought up genetics - but they're the loaded gun.Something has to pull the trigger.This is well studi...

Part 3

I've already brought up genetics - but they're the loaded gun.

Something has to pull the trigger.

This is well studied, but not as widely known.

Like the kitten I took in last fall - I quickly noticed he didn't walk right and didn't like to jump much.

I had seen the food they were giving, and understood it was their best ❤

Don't get me wrong, he is very happy!

AND with our nutrition system, I've happily watched him start to grow out of it!

After all, how good is a house blueprint if you're using cracked bricks, splintered timbers, and rusty pipes?

The quality of the building blocks, parts, and pieces *matter*.

And just like most people don't make their own brick; log, cut, and dry their own lumber; or make their own pipes, most don't raise all their food for them or their pets.

You have to find a team! ;)

Part 2The most interesting thing about pet nutrition is:The label doesn't even give you half the story.Who owns the bran...

Part 2

The most interesting thing about pet nutrition is:

The label doesn't even give you half the story.

Who owns the brand? And who owns the company that owns the brand?

What equipment do they use and how long are their contracts for ingredients?

Do they use Every. Legal. Loophole?

Or do they avoid them by actually having sound business practices?

I could go on…

It's not hard - the opposite, in fact.

It's terrifyingly EASY.

And it shows.

Chronic health issues abound, and pets live a fraction of the time their genetics indicate they can.

And yet… with all the information out there, people are more confused than ever.

The thing about cutting corners is…Cleaning up afterwards can be a nightmare.It happens with your house.It happens with ...

The thing about cutting corners is…

Cleaning up afterwards can be a nightmare.

It happens with your house.

It happens with relationships.

It happens with health…

It also happens with our pets.


Faulty equipment, fencing, skimping on veterinary care…

It ALL adds up.


What about nutrition?

With as many layers as the pet industry has, the cut corners add up…

(Part 1)

Giving our pets the longest and best life possible takes intention.What are you doing this year for your pets? ❤

Giving our pets the longest and best life possible takes intention.

What are you doing this year for your pets? ❤

Recovering from head cold thoughts:Is it really polydactyly if the dew claw is a full-fledged toe?Why is polydactyly mor...

Recovering from head cold thoughts:

Is it really polydactyly if the dew claw is a full-fledged toe?

Why is polydactyly more common in cats?

Does it really make them better hunters, or is it coincidence?


What if people knew that their pet's food could pay for itself?

What difference can food make??Gina writes:"This testimonial is long overdue…."My moms tiny poodle Avalee has struggled ...

What difference can food make??

Gina writes:

"This testimonial is long overdue….

"My moms tiny poodle Avalee has struggled with her health for many years prior to LA.

"So Avalee had bad allergies, and her skin was oily, her coat was thin, and she was on 5 star foods according to many dog food sites. Avalee had to have allergy shots, and even her liver was to the point the vet said she would need surgery. It took quite some time to convince my mom to try LA and cut out all else and give LA a chance to do what I have seen it do before… Heal then from the inside out.

"So finally my mom stopped all else and just did the LA. It took time yes, quite some time, but over time each blood work panel and check she improved. Liver function got better and better, skin got better, coat has gotten thicker, the stinky oily smell she use to have has disappeared.

"She got off most of the allergy shots now, and looks pretty dang good. LA has done just what I knew it would do….Heal her body from the inside out. Now her liver function by proven testing is perfect!!! Nothing wrong with it!

"From surgery need to a few years later…perfect liver function! Come on!!!! Totally amazing! ...cells do take time to regenerate so give it time! I promise good changes will happen."

If treats can have short term and long term health effects, then how much of an effect do you think their food has?Does ...

If treats can have short term and long term health effects, then how much of an effect do you think their food has?

Does their daily dish accelerate or slow down their...
Chronic health issues?

Which leads us to #3

Spend a little more on *quality* food to decrease the quantity of health problems and veterinarian appointments!

Not just for your pet - the FDA has had reports of contaminated pet foods making family members sick! This happens most often with infants, sadly.

Having a fairly constant supply of cheap and problematic food that is contaminated off and on over the years isn't good for our pets or other family members.

The frequent recalls in the pet food industry reveal that what's on the label really isn't everything!

Business principles MATTER. Some contaminants that cause recalls (looking at you, Salmonella!) can remain on the equipment even after intensive cleaning.

In fact, there are entire production plants that have been shut down because they simply can't eliminate it!

How many recalls has your food had in the last 5 years? 10? 25?

We feed a food that has had NONE 🚫 in 25 years of business. It was founded 25 years ago, so zero in the entire existence of the company.

Rigorous safety protocols AND a system that can immediately contact everyone that has bought their food in case a recall ever does happen.

A company that actually cares for your pet's health doesn't compromise!

It's the only company we buy from any more - mystery allergies cleared up, anxiety eased, and our dogs and cats have never been healthier 😉

Cheap treats can cost you a lot!Sometimes even your pet's life.We covered holiday plants, but in all actuality, your pet...

Cheap treats can cost you a lot!

Sometimes even your pet's life.

We covered holiday plants, but in all actuality, your pet is in most danger from the treats and table food during this season.

Anyone who's worked in a vet clinic for any amount of time knows!

So holiday tip #2 is...

Pay more for nutritious and digestible treats!

Those pictured below may be "affordable" but they can be immediately deadly (impacted intestines), be long-term deadly due to having many toxins, and your pet may as well be consuming cardboard for all the nutrition they're getting...

We invite you to up-level your treat game this season! Give them something that satisfies without compromise - only the best for the pets 👌

Did you know that many popular flowers and treats on sale at this time of year can cause problems for pets?You can take ...

Did you know that many popular flowers and treats on sale at this time of year can cause problems for pets?

You can take some simple steps to keep them safe, though!

1. If you want to have mistletoe or poinsettias (or other toxic-to-pets plants) in your home, put them where they cannot be chewed!

Of the two I've mentioned, mistletoe is far more dangerous - a pet would have to eat a great deal of poinsettia to have more than a mild reaction. (Purdue has a great article on it!)

So HUZZAH! You can beautify your home with plants *so long as* you take this simple precaution and keep them out of reach.

The best thing about having a practically untrained yearling about 10x your weight is...You get a lot of experience FAST...

The best thing about having a practically untrained yearling about 10x your weight is...

You get a lot of experience FAST 🤣

My first saddle was thrown in with a couple others my parents bought - it was small enough for me, but big enough for him, and weighed close to 50 lbs.

(More than half my own weight)

It was a relic of the days when all saddles were real leather, and none of the saddle trees were fiberglass. Not one shred of it was synthetic - I remember the sheep's wool underside had bits missing.


Getting a lot of experience fast included getting dragged a bit, before he figured out what a halter meant and that he could trust a tiny teen predator to not lead him into the jaws of death.

It meant hefting ye olde saddle around, and getting it on a back I couldn't see over 💪

The upside was his usual calm demeanor - he's a draft cross. He also didn't seem to want to put forth the energy for bucking, and wasn't really all that fast at running.

But boy, could he make the earth SHAKE as he bulldozed across the land!
..he was fast enough for some falls, though.

Horse flies? Better kill it before Sam knows it's there, or he'll scoot 😆 they're the only thing I haven't gotten him to tolerate, and I don't blame him.

Tarps, clunking tin cans, trailing ropes, costumes - old hat!

Pivot, side pass, mount from either side, pile kids on him to see how many will fit? Doesn't phase him.

You could ride him ba****ck with a halter (he needs a little reminding now that he isn't being ridden frequently), and one of my younger sisters could catch him at pasture, somehow shimmy up his leg (or something!), get on his back, and ride him back to the gate with said halter - she was 9 at the time.

But horse flies?! 😱

It's his quirk 🤷‍♀️

And he would get some of the strangest ailments and injuries...

If you feed Victor Dog Food — STOP FEEDING IT IMMEDIATELY!! ⚠️⛔️ THE RECALL HAS BEEN EXPANDED to include ALL varieties. ...

If you feed Victor Dog Food — STOP FEEDING IT IMMEDIATELY!! ⚠️⛔️

THE RECALL HAS BEEN EXPANDED to include ALL varieties. All bags pulled from shelves.

ANYTHING DATED 10/31/2024 or before!

(If you bought from a reputable company they should refund you if you bring them the bag!)

**If the brand you buy has no way of contacting you directly, you've probably fed your pet tainted food more than once.**

We only recommend foods with rigorous quality control AND a system to contact buyers in case of recall.

How do you know their quality control is rigorous?


What we feed hasn't had a recall since the company was founded in the 90s👌

Most brands have 1 or more recalls per year 😳

Did you do your "homework"?I gave  #1 because your dog's waist (or lack thereof) is one of the simplest ways to evaluate...

Did you do your "homework"?

I gave #1 because your dog's waist (or lack thereof) is one of the simplest ways to evaluate your dog! (Cats are a little different)

And if your doggo is fluffy, use your hands to feel!

I gave #2 because it's also simple - once a day is plenty for adults, and if your dog is pudgy, it's time to reduce the amount fo sho!

Do they always seem hungry? If you've ever treated them for begging, you've trained that behavior ;)

It can also be because your food is high in fillers and low on nutrition...

And #3 is also simple! (noticing a trend?)

Weight gain and poor diet are often connected, and result in decreased energy.

Ready for the simplest tool for a healthy weight?

The pounds on your pet can cost them years.Veterinarians often struggle to give clear and accurate directions to clients...

The pounds on your pet can cost them years.

Veterinarians often struggle to give clear and accurate directions to clients on how to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Shelters don't really have the resources to teach their clients, either, even if they know much about nutrition.

Breeders often know plenty, but can have the same struggle as veterinarians.

(I mean *breeders* NOT 'producers')

The internet is, well, the internet, and information overload is a real thing 😅

1. Take a minute and see 👀 which dog is closest to yours

2. Look at what you're feeding, how much, and how often

3. Consider their current energy level compared to what it was in the past

Let's de-mystify this ;)

What's a loving owner to do?You asked your veterinarian about their weight, and they told you they were 'good' but you a...

What's a loving owner to do?

You asked your veterinarian about their weight, and they told you they were 'good' but you aren't sure.

Maybe they gained weight the last time you were away on a trip...

Or they're moving more slowly with less energy...

Maybe that puppy isn't really a puppy anymore, but you've heard they "fill out" during their 2nd year - but what does that mean?..

Or it's your cat, who always seems hungry, and everyone remarks on its lean form, but what are you even supposed to be looking for?..

Nobody:Me: Let's clean the gutters!Husband: I found all the tennis balls.🤣🤣🤣The kick ball and basketball were already in...


Me: Let's clean the gutters!

Husband: I found all the tennis balls.


The kick ball and basketball were already in the wagon - everything else came from the roof 😅

Thankful Thursday! We love the renovated dog park! It reopened this month.The dogs love it too ;)

Thankful Thursday!

We love the renovated dog park! It reopened this month.

The dogs love it too ;)

Does your pet have a favorite "seat"? Bonus if it's comical 😉🤣

Does your pet have a favorite "seat"? Bonus if it's comical 😉🤣

Let's see some pictures! ;)

Let's see some pictures! ;)

And you want to know one of the BEST things about it all?It works.Not just for changing your legacy through business.Aft...

And you want to know one of the BEST things about it all?

It works.

Not just for changing your legacy through business.
After all, we can leave a mixed legacy!

And what's business success if your marriage falls apart?

If your kids don't want to come home to visit?

Here, I can bring ALL the parts of my life for a tune-up.

And once my children are mature enough, I can bring THEM too!

That's right, a business seminar that you can bring your children to 😉

This is especially important if you're raising a child with aspirations that you have no idea how to help them with.
(I have one of these!)

The leaders here are so committed to helping us raise up the younger generations for success that they schedule a special night for the youth the evening before (Thursday).

The young'uns even get a steep discount! And their bonus night is included at no extra cost. (Last I checked, they get some dinner, too)

I haven't ventured to bring any of ours in person so far (the oldest turns 10 this year, y'all! I've got time), they recognize the speakers now, thanks to virtual, and sometimes even quote them 🤣

You don't have to do business alone.
Heck, you don't even have to be an aspiring employee alone!

You don't have to feel like you're alienating your spouse as you chase your dreams - bring them too! (Tax deductible getaway 😜)

And you don't have to be the only one pouring into your children ❤

PS. Like the scholarships, we gotta get you in touch with their people directly for youth tickets 🎟

The HOW has been a major stuck point."Has" being the key word.Next weekend, we are going back to learn more."But if you'...

The HOW has been a major stuck point.

"Has" being the key word.

Next weekend, we are going back to learn more.

"But if you've already learned the 'how', why do you keep going back?"

Great question!

Does your home stay clean without repetition of cleaning?

Does your doodle stay groomed without going back for more appointments, plus frequent brushing?
(Does your double or short coat dog only need one bath? Or only one session of bur/sticker removal?)

The greatest things we can have in this life take *repetition* - whether it's our home haven, pets, marriage, children, or business!

So YES, we keep going back to learn more, appreciate our amazing progress, AND have community to cheer us on!
(They cheer us on regardless!)

Join us!

PS. Let your veteran friends know there ARE scholarships offered for them and their family!

Part 3Legacy.Everyone has one, whether they realize it or not!And each generation has the chance to change their legacy....

Part 3


Everyone has one, whether they realize it or not!

And each generation has the chance to change their legacy.

Gideon's dad worked such long hours that he rarely saw him until the weekend - scraping by, tightening the budget, pinching pennies.

My dad was also frequently out working, then would come home to work on the garden, yard, and fixing up our old house.

Our parents worked hard! They made improvements and changes!

We can admire the diligence and efforts of our parents
want our children to have something different!

For so long, the question was "HOW?!"

How do you make changes when you've never known anything different?

How do you blaze a new trail when it seems no one else is?

And it can be lonely...



We both inherited one of slogging, slaving to make ends meet. Abundance? What's that?

Right now, more than ever, people are struggling with the drudgery of work - that's what so many of us are familiar with - that we've forgotten what it means to live.

The grind all around us for the Next Shiny Object, the 'successful' stereotype we've bought into and often go into debt for... That's not living.

Now, I'm not saying that it won't take work to make changes - but seeing the evidence, the ripples already starting? That hits different.

We want to leave a legacy of work, like our parents before us!

We want to add the joy of living, thriving, not just surviving; of resting BEFORE burnout or injury, of knowing and taking steps toward our deepest desires - the ones we were taught weren't worth going after.

Of connecting, building community that cares and shows up for each other, instead of hiding unmet needs that we can't meet in our darkest hours.

And we've been learning the "how"!


Spartanburg, SC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm




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