Please help out if you can❤️ One of our clients, who is also one of our Rep’s and more so has been a dear friend for many years and Spartanburg native was living in the Chimney Rock Village and has lost everything!
We are going to have a fundraiser Yard Sale here at the clinic on Sat. Oct 26th and are in need of any donations of items you no longer want/need to sell for it. We are going to try and get a storage unit where you can drop off items for us to sell and will forward that info when we get it. If you would like to make a monetary donation to him you can send a check here to the clinic in his name and we will get it to him. His name is : Scotty Simmons and our address is: 1423 John B White Sr Blvd,
Spartanburg, SC. 29306. Below is a copy of his post from this morning. Thanks in advance for anything you can do❤️
I have to share my story and humbly do something that I never do.
My fiancé and I lived in beautiful Chimney Rock until Monday, before we were rescued by military. Saturday morning we woke to a raging river that had tripled in width and depth. Our generator wouldn’t crank and my am/fm radio failed to work so we were literally trapped with no power or communication to the outside world. Once we finally got the courage to explore the damage, we were completely stunned at the sheer devastation the hurricane had left us in and quickly realized there was no way out because the road to our home was washed away. On Monday we made the decision to pack anything we could, including our 2 cats and traverse the woods and mountains cutting through brush, falling trees, and debris using down power lines as ropes to hoist ourselves over boulders looking for rooftops as reference points to hopefully end up in a safer spot. We finally found an exit point and was greeted by first responders and military personnel which evacuated through several checkpoints where they took our names to verify we were alive so they could move on to other hopeful survivors. We’re in Charlotte now trying to navigate through the next steps to seek some sort of normality. I know there were many lives lost and the toll keeps increasing so we’re blessed in that respect. As I mentioned earlier, we lost everything. Home, cars, and belongings all gone. I come to you humbly asking to keep us and everyone else involved in your thoughts and prayers and any help is greatly appreciated.