If your horse has come from the kill pen in Bowie or if your horse(s) have stopped in or near Montague County, Tx, please quarantined your horse(s) at least 100 feet from others and contact a veterinarian immediately.
EIA (what coggins test for) is 100% fatal with no prevention available.
Any horse that has been to the Bowie Livestock barn or has been in contact with horses from Bowie Livestock Barn is NOT ALLOWED on the property for the next 30 days.
*Edit to add*
As with anything there will be a million different people saying a million different things. We can all hope that the original information that was shared wasn’t completely accurate, however we are still going to be proactive in protecting our facility and our animals from any possible threats. When more information is released we may change plans going forward, but for now we are going to stand by not allowing any horses from Bowie or in contact with horses from Bowie from coming to our facility.
*Edit 8/19*
Pease see the post we shared from Bowie. They confirmed a horse tested positive on Friday and are awaiting further test results from the state which will be back Friday to confirm whether the horse actually is positive or if it was a false positive. As such we are also awaiting those results before we open back up as normal. Here is a link to their post as well.