Legend got to go to Marshalls today and visit his buddies (he was too busy getting loved on by everyone that wr didn't snag a picture). Then Aspen got to go to the petstore, holy moly that girl was READY to work! She was tired of the bed rest nonsense and was so enthusiastic to put her brain to better use. You want your pets to be excited to do things with you! Not shut down, not be able robot. So please enjoy Aspen's silliness 🖤
Aspen & I braved Hobby Lobby today. Little did I know how crazy the store was going to be. I truly love having dogs that I am confident will handle situations like this with ease because of all of our hard work together and our relationship. She made lots of friends and took some naps waiting to check out 😉 she was very happy to get out and is back home sleeping.
Proof that mental stimulation is far more beneficial than physical stimulation 😅 Home Depot with her buddies + Starbucks Pup Cup = one happy girl. (Legend was in the back also asleep lol)
Junie is having a fun morning tuning up on all the great skills she's learned during her two weeks Stay & Learn! She has 2 more days until graduation!
Look who is working her way to off leash freedom!! I'd say she's pretty proud of herself. 😉 dogs with manners get to have more fun
Junie loves playing the recall game!
June is learning how fun long leash time is! For the first 30 minutes she was TERRIFIED of the leash, it was following her, made the leaves move. What did I do? Kept moving on. If I would stop, love on her tell her it's ok it's just a leash, give her treats, she would see the leash really is something to be scared about. But I let her overcome her own fear and paid her high rewards when she'd positively rebound from the stressor all on her own.
Learning to slow down and wait at doors, including her kennel door. This is an essential skill to teach your dogs to avoid them bolting from doors, but mostly to help establish impulse control.
Handsome Remi graduated today!! He aced his fieldtrip to the farm store and I couldn't be more proud of him and his family!
Loud noises from the vaccum, leaf blower, weed eater, etc. were a trigger for Temperance when she arrived. They'd make her very anxious and overwhelmed, leading to silly naughty behaviors. I'm proud of how far she has come!
Temperence is really loving our place games we have been playing! Training can be fun!
This is how easy walking into stores should be!! Then, continued as we shop and as we leave. Temperence had alot of fun on her petstore field trip today! And of course aced it 😉