Trying out some new incubators this year! I love all 3 so far, I learned that the Nurture Right 360 (middle) is not the best choice for shipped eggs, which I get a lot of. My own eggs hatch just fine with it though. The one on the right is the Maticoopx and the orange one is from chickcozy! This video was taken a couple weeks ago. They are currently full of eggs!! #incubators #chickcozyincubator #maticoopx #hatchingeggs #chickeneggs #nurtureright360
Cutest little fluffy bitts. And look at those foot feathers already! 😍 #babychicks #bantamcochins
For less than $20 my husband and I built a brooder box for our baby chicks! And the best part…NO shavings in the food and water!!In the past we have always used pet play pens which are great! But I’ve always wanted to find a way to keep the shavings out of the food and water without spending $$$. If you’ve raised chicks, or are raising chicks you know how many times a day you have to clean them out! This was so easy to make and it can be tweaked to fit your baby chicks space requirements. You can use a bigger plastic tote or even two totes put together!We used a Costco bin to build ours, it’s pretty small but we have plans for a bigger, portable brooder in the coming weeks. (And we only have two chicks right now so it’s perfect 😄)You can use any bin(s) with a lid! Bigger=betterSupplies we used: Costco bucket and lidHardware clothMetal wire1x4 piece of woodGorilla TapeWith this design there is a small learning curve. I spent the first day showing them where their food and water was and letting them go back to the other side. I did this a couple of times, they figured it out quick. I usually have a brooder plate or heating pad, not heat lamp, but this was a quick set up before I had everything out. A second heating pad could be placed under the food and water on the other side of the divider but I don’t find it necessary. My chicks are also inside so it doesn’t get real cold when they are eating/drinking for a minute or two.#babychicks #brooder #diy #diyprojects #chickbrooder #urbanchickens #hobbyfarm #urbanfarm #backyardchickens
When you just can’t keep your eyes open any longer 🥱 these chicks are the absolute sweetest I have ever hatched. They climb right up into my hand and love to be held 💕 Headed to the brooder tomorrow ☺️ #babychicks #bantamcochins #millecochin #calicocochin #chickcozyincubator #backyardchickens #hobbyfarm #urbanfarm
I’m so excited 🤩 I am so impatient when it comes to hatching eggs. Like come out now! 😆 These are Mille/calico Bantam Cochins. Hatch day is tomorrow! ♥️ #hatchingeggs #backyardchickens #urbanfarm #hobbyfarm #bantamcochin #chickshatching #chickcozyincubator #millecochins #calicocochins
I have 31 eggs in the incubator. Mostly D’Uccles (Dew-Clay), blue, black, Mille, black mottled, porcelain. After hatching I’ll be sending some to any more broody hens I have outside to raise. The rest will need a new place to call home! Local pickup available.
Look carefully in the video you can see the embryo moving around. The black spot is its eye.
Happy hatching!!
#ducclehatchingeggs #duccle #hatchingeggs #happyhatching #backyardfarm #backyardchickens #chickenembryo #eggcandling #nurtureright360 #sixfeathersfarms