Pack Ethic Rescue

Pack Ethic Rescue Eric Bellows and Keri Whitfield have created a life together dedicated to the pack. Every moment of

King is an adult Rottie/ Pitt mix who made mistakes that left him abandoned in a shelter and then when more difficulties...

King is an adult Rottie/ Pitt mix who made mistakes that left him abandoned in a shelter and then when more difficulties arose - a rescue was his only shot to escape destruction. Luckily he landed here and we have been able to show him everyday that life is not over and we can help him let the past go and live in the moment - where balance exists. King has been with us for over a year and a half now and has fully realized that the freedoms and opportunities that exist here are just what a dog like him needs and wants. He is so loving and sweet, happy and energetic. It is always a shame to see that dogs with so much good to offer can be labeled and discarded. What it must be like for a homeless dog to navigate the tumultuous terrain of rescue. Sitting in a shelter wondering if they will see tomorrow, wondering why the home they knew has suddenly disappeared. Unable to explain and reassure with our language - we can only try to soothe and lead these distressed dogs towards better days. Every new dog that arrives here from the shelter comes with a clean slate in our house. What they reveal to us as each day goes by forms our relationship together and ultimately, life for us all. Always wanting balance and peace - our every effort goes towards coexisting with whatever new animal energy arrives. We are so grateful that we have proven ourselves to this big, handsome, happy dog. Long Live King ❤️

Tank is an adult mixed breed dog who was never given everything that he needed and deserved as a young pup. A hard life ...

Tank is an adult mixed breed dog who was never given everything that he needed and deserved as a young pup. A hard life of neglect left him without the best image of his human caretakers and when he was eventually left homeless - the prophecy had been fulfilled. People were not the best stewards to make his life safe and satisfying. Poor Tank had been treated like dirt but even after a life of disappointments, his heart inside is still as good as gold. Luckily, his rescuers saw this light inside and also loved sweet Tank dearly. They wouldn’t let his life be wasted. Tank arrived here 2 1/2 years ago - frazzled, excited and unsure about his future. It didn’t take Tank long to ease himself into the safety and comforts of our home. Underneath his occasionally tumultuous and mischievous demeanor, Tank is such a sweet boy and truly only wants to please. Due to his rough beginnings and neglect to his training and socialization- he doesn’t have all the skills that he needs to be a totally reliable and easy going family dog. His tests will always arise - as he will hold the effects of the years of human failure forever. Luckily, Tank finally landed here and with our consistent show of stability has fallen right into an easy calm. He has nuzzled into our hearts with his shy and goofy gratitude and play bowing, tail wagging, butt wiggling submissive happiness. Tank has finally found security that will last forever. ❤️

Sometimes, it seems to be impossible to find a dog the right home. Because every situation is different, a good dog can ...

Sometimes, it seems to be impossible to find a dog the right home. Because every situation is different, a good dog can end up traveling around to different homes and even different rescues, never finding their perfect place. Just because a dog is cute and social doesn’t mean that they are easy to place. Every rescue dog is such a compilation of breeds and instincts, history and baggage that containing them and convincing them that you are everything that they need in life is not always an easy endeavor. Sapphire spent four years traveling around to different homes never finding her forever. Not letting her life end for the world’s failure to provide, her rescue decided that it was time to come join the Pack instead. This little sprite has such spirit and a lot of love to give - but after all of her instability- she is ready for retirement without the challenge of fitting into the world of humans. Sapphire has given us all of her trust and respect and we love her dearly. We are so happy to be able to offer these rescue dogs - weary from want of their true forever - a solution to their insecurities, fears and unpopular decisions out in the real world. Sapphire has been with us for a few months now and has been enjoying all of the new experiences and opportunities that exist in her new now and forever. We’ve got your back Sapphire 💎

Brody spent the first 4 years or more of his life wishing he was dead. Brody was saved from squalor and mistreatment- wi...

Brody spent the first 4 years or more of his life wishing he was dead. Brody was saved from squalor and mistreatment- with wounds and injuries and in a sad state of health. Luckily he did get a chance to live another day. Sometimes though, because a dog finds their way to the shelter, it doesn’t mean that they will be able to find their way out. Brody struggled to find his happy new beginning. The issues that Brody developed due to his history were too much to melt away with just the safety of another day. He needed a life focused on getting him past his history and into a future of stability. Brody is a true diamond in the rough - his best, sweetest, most puppy- like qualities lying hidden underneath his tumultuous exterior when he is triggered. In the 4 years that we have had him with us, it has been so rewarding to find the innocence under that weary and worn barrier that he erected after the world failed to show him a safe space where he could truly be his best self. Beneath all of the pent up energy and misguided social cues - Brody has a good heart and a loyal soul. We are so happy that we have now given him as many years as he struggled - with nothing but predictable comfort, love and stability. Brody is a happy constant in the day’s routine - everyday. His appreciation for his home and his enthusiasm for all the good things in life is a blessing. He is getting older now and slowing down a bit but we hope he has a lot more sunny days to look forward to.. We love you Bro Bro! ❤️

It can be an absolute grind to keep up with the needs and wants of this househol… Eric Kieth Bellows needs your support for Pack Ethic Rescue maintenance fund

Everyone is ready for this cold weather to be done with. Dogs like Preston want to ditch their coats and run in the gree...

Everyone is ready for this cold weather to be done with. Dogs like Preston want to ditch their coats and run in the green grass and sunshine. Older dogs like Pressy don’t waste any time doing business and prefer the warmth of their beds inside. Preston is an 8+ year old Bully mix boy who - like so many dogs - lacked early life socialization and obedience and then got abandoned in adulthood - leaving him with no options or skills to make his way in the world. Preston, in his time in rescue, made his social and behavioral issues known and they ultimately hindered his possibilities of a forever home. Preston is a happy soul who just wants to enjoy the good things in life without the worry of wondering if tomorrow will see him in safety and comfort. Since the moment that he arrived here to find permanent safety almost 5 years ago, Preston has been grateful to know that he is right where he should be. He has shown us that this place is just what he needs, what he wants and what will keep him happy in everyday he is given. Preston shows us everyday that he is happy that this is his forever. ❤️

Silly Sonny likes to nose around in the snow ❤️ We adore our Sonny Boy. This older giant breed dog had a rough go of lif...

Silly Sonny likes to nose around in the snow ❤️ We adore our Sonny Boy. This older giant breed dog had a rough go of life - unable to find his place in this world. Luckily, he managed to find people and places to keep him alive, but a stable environment that could allow him the freedoms and comforts that every dog deserves while managing his breed and size challenges was fleeting and always just out of reach. Poor Sonny needed one last miracle as an aged dog when his permanent rescue situation collapsed and he had no safe place left in the world to be. Being a giant guarding breed with misguided instincts and deteriorating trust in and respect for his people, Sonny couldn’t go just anywhere. Unable to refuse this unfortunate case - almost three years ago - we welcomed him home. He was initially wary of us as his new people - unable to fall easily under our wings without knowing what our long term intentions for him were. It wasn’t long though before he melted into our loving embrace. Sonny has the softest heart and shows us everyday how much he loves and appreciates us. Inside this giant dog is the sweetest, most sensitive soul and we are so grateful to have brought him to this place where he can now relax and thrive. We love you big Sonny Boy ❤️

From the time she was a puppy sweet little black and white pocket pittie  - Nova had a chaotic journey through life in N...

From the time she was a puppy sweet little black and white pocket pittie - Nova had a chaotic journey through life in NYC, with different people in different homes - all trying to ensure her safety from the oftentimes scary and unfair world that disadvantaged dogs are born into. She finally found safety here with us 3 1/2 years ago and has proved herself such a loyal soul. Nova may have some hard edges from her tough beginnings but we see her soft and squishy middle and can give her a life where she can be both everyday without challenge. We ❤️ You Nova!

Let’s go Boomer! The weather is turning - the storm is upon us - time to come inside! Let’s hunker down and survive this...

Let’s go Boomer! The weather is turning - the storm is upon us - time to come inside! Let’s hunker down and survive this next one 🙏🏻 Winter is a Storm Parade ❄️❄️❄️❄️

Bear is an older dog that experienced a variety of instability in his years. Rescued from the South years ago as an adul...

Bear is an older dog that experienced a variety of instability in his years. Rescued from the South years ago as an adult dog already knowing the harder side of life as a dog in need, Bear found help when he needed it most. Unfortunately, his unique personality coupled with some understandable insecurities lead him to some protective instincts that lost him his home. Languishing without interest or appropriate placement, Bear needed a safe retirement in the country. Luckily, he found us and showed us immediately his acceptance of everything we have to offer. It has been almost three years together now and we are in love with this special guy. Sensitive and sweet, he is appreciative everyday of this chance at life with people who can see he is no threat. With two loving and consistent parents and an environment created to keep his triggers at bay - nurturing his sense of security, Bear has a lot more happy days on his horizon. ❤️

It has been over seven years since we welcomed our little spitzie spitfire girl - Robin to Pack Ethic! After Hurricane H...

It has been over seven years since we welcomed our little spitzie spitfire girl - Robin to Pack Ethic! After Hurricane Harvey wiped out the landscape of Texas and dogs were filling shelters - lucky Robin was one of the dogs we were able to save and ferry North to safety. In all of her years here - despite our efforts to find her a new forever home - Robin told us plainly ‘I AM Home’. This spunky and spry - now older - girl has been a ray of constant sunshine - taking everyday as an opportunity to have fun and never looking back.
The spirit of dog is so resilient and rescue reveals so many forever friends that give back so much even after they’ve had everything taken away from them in an instant. Robin shows us everyday to let it go and leap towards better days. We ❤️ U Rockin Robin!

A whirlwind of Winter weather keeps us on our toes. The dogs accept the cold and snow and ice and wind only long enough ...

A whirlwind of Winter weather keeps us on our toes. The dogs accept the cold and snow and ice and wind only long enough to zoom zoom around - do their business and retreat back to warmth and comfort. Doggy dreams of sunny Summer days and green grass are shared by the humans too when Winter wears us down.

Handsome Hank desperately needed a safe space away from the bustle of human social life. This 5 1/2 year old Shepherd/Hu...

Handsome Hank desperately needed a safe space away from the bustle of human social life. This 5 1/2 year old Shepherd/Husky mix loved his family,but had serious anxiety issues with strangers and crowds and was trying to cope with life among them. His insecurities had already lead to several bites and he couldn’t be controlled in his environment and locale. Hank arrived three years ago and showed us his obvious issues. He doesn’t hesitate to inform the people who encroach on his safe space and if warnings are not heeded - Hank is a threat and a liability. He needs the pressures of the outside world to disappear so that he can just enjoy being a dog everyday. Luckily, Hank also showed immediately that he was willing to try out this new adventure. It didn’t take him long to realize that we only want the best for him and that no one here will ever push him to trigger again. When left to the simple and peaceful rules of nature and nothing more, Hank can now thrive. Here with us he is a happy go lucky playful boy and that is all that matters. Without the triggers that cause him to react, he can be the best dog he can be. It has been an uncertain and flawed journey searching for his forever, but happy Hank has an easy handle on it now. ❤️

Neville is such a happy constant in the household. He is such a handsome and sweet Pit Bull boy - almost eight years old...

Neville is such a happy constant in the household. He is such a handsome and sweet Pit Bull boy - almost eight years old now. Neville has been with us for almost five years and has always been a happy guy. Neville was mishandled in his past and by adulthood he had developed serious insecurities. Neville is a dog that saw enough disrespect and mistrust to remain wary of new people - end of story. Neville may have his scars, but in his heart, and in our home, he has allowed us to show him a better side of humans. Once we proved ourselves to him, Neville has been a willing and social, sweet and happy, fun loving boy. As long as the stability that we have created for him is in place - he has a smile on his face. With each new positively reinforced day we spend together, Neville enjoys another day of freedom from judgment and mishandling. Here he can just be a happy dog in a home with his loving humans, no history, no baggage, no pressure, without fear and without the threat of destruction. We got your back Neville!

Reggie lived half a dog’s lifetime before coming to us - in homes and in rescue, before his injury and after, but he str...

Reggie lived half a dog’s lifetime before coming to us - in homes and in rescue, before his injury and after, but he struggled to find his forever. Reggie had some behavioral problems but was fortunate to have strong people see past his issues and offer him their time and patience. Four years ago, Reggie lost his safe space again and he was in danger of ending up at a shelter. With a history of dog aggression and his special needs, his end would be inevitable. Lucky for Reggie - he found us and we were able to save his life and keep his spirit in tact. He is such a sweet boy with a gentle heart whose loyalty is unwavering when he knows he is safe and loved. Reggie knows that everything is a-ok and that there is no need for him to act out or worry about tomorrow. He knows that he is finally home. Even though he’s slowing down some with age - he doesn’t let his handicap keep him from letting loose - running, jumping and playing like the best of them! Otherwise, Reggie can be found atop a pile of blankets and his bed with all his favorite chew toys and bones. We are so glad to give this guy the forever he deserves! ❤️

This handsome elder boy has been with us for over three years now and we are so happy that he found us. Simple insecurit...

This handsome elder boy has been with us for over three years now and we are so happy that he found us. Simple insecurities and guarding behaviors made Scout a liability in his rescue household with any unexpected guest or visitor. Scout soon had too many strikes against him and he needed a miracle retirement in the country. Scout is not a bad dog. He lost full trust with unfamiliar people due to some unfortunate situations he undoubtedly experienced in his formative years. Now, with a bite history as an aged dog, Scout isn’t going to be able to let go of his issues. Luckily now Scout doesn’t have to worry about unexpected visitors or any stressful challenges to his home and environment. He lives for the simple pleasures of a dog’s life - relaxing in the countryside, playing with a friend out in the yard, chewing a bone, destroying his toys in his bed and getting affection from us any time he wants. Scout has found his forever here with us and his stressors are gone forever. We love you our Good Boy Scout! ❤️

Sometimes, weather dictates that you become couch potatoes ❤️

Sometimes, weather dictates that you become couch potatoes ❤️


613 Lynk Street
Sprakers, NY


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