This is what I call the resleep… they all go back to sleep after breakfast
Daddy teaches all the people how to shake hands but it never fails, when I turn the camera on they act like the didn’t just do it 50 times 🤦♀️. It’s the cutest thing that they all pick it up so easily.
Fendi… on the first day of rescue I’m documenting everything. Maybe I should say taking mental notes of everything from eyes, ears, skin, bumps, toes, paw pads, color/texture of gland fluid. I get poop and urine samples if possible while observing for visual signs or concerns. I also look at the spine, body tone and hair texture. In this video I notice she may see some type of shadows. She seems to sense things are on the ground but not able to see a wall or the gate clearly. Her walk could be painful bc her poor feet are in horrible condition. Some of her toes areno longer straight. It seems like the toe nail growing around thru the paw pad cause the toe to go in the opposite direction. Just looks and seem painful. She was really confused earlier and barked to get out of the playpen and she just walked around the entire place from inside to out. The people followed her and helped guide her down the sidewalk and back. She is asleep now. She didn’t want to eat but she did devour some goat kefir and her first round of probiotics to settle her tummy and get her ready for some good nutrient when she’s ready to eat.
Welcome Fendi to Tzus and Mews Rescue