If you’ve ever needed a vet, you’ve needed a vet tech.
Your vet tech performed chest compressions when your pet’s heart stopped.
Your tech noticed that your pet was unstable and prioritized their treatment.
Your tech administered a life-saving blood transfusion to your pet and watched them for an adverse reaction.
Your tech got one of the “good beds” for your arthritic pet.
Your tech offered different foods to your pet and noted their favourite for next time.
Your tech showered your pet in affection when you couldn’t be there for the euthanasia.
Your tech got your pet an extra blanket when they looked cold overnight.
Your tech carried your paralysed pet outside for some fresh air.
Your tech noticed the start of a seizure and gave your pet their emergency medicine.
Your tech gently washed your pet when they soiled themselves in-hospital and said something like “It happens to the best of us.”
Your tech checked your vet’s math before giving medication.
Your tech monitored your pet meticulously while under anaesthesia.
Your tech was the last face your pet saw before surgery and the first face they saw when they woke up.
Your tech snuck your pet a snack between meals when they seemed hungry.
Your tech remembered to approach your pet from the left because they’re blind on the right.
Your tech consulted with your vet when your pet seemed anxious.
Your tech celebrated your pet’s birthday in-hospital.
Your tech supported your pet as they learned to walk on only three legs.
Your tech showed immense patience to your rescued pet who has trust issues.
Your tech added helpful tips to the discharge instructions and answered your medication questions.
Your tech talked to your pet like they’re a person.
Your tech praised your pet and gave them treats to make vaccinations less scary.
Your tech informed the laboratory of your pet’s history so they can assess the blood sample accordingly.
Your tech kept your pet safe and comfortable during their diagnostic imaging.
Your tech does thousands of other things we can’t even think of because we take them for granted.
Your tech is your pet’s guardian angel. Please show them some love and appreciation this week and always.
Happy Vet Tech Appreciation Week ❤