My 6 year old wants to start her own business of cut flowers and pickles (her favorite). So we have been slowly adding to the perrenial garden to add some beautiful blooms to get big and established in the next two years when she starts.
So any occasion we can make a bouquet together she is game on!
#picklesandpetals #kidtrapreneurs #cutflowers #loacalflowers #flowerfarm #justgrow #naturalbeauty
Our 8 year old has decided to start his very own business this year!
He is funding it with his chore money and doing the hard work to start it up. He wanted a rainbow array of eggs with 'sun kissed yolks', as we call them... and he came up with the name himself 😋.
All ready super proud of him and can't wait for him to see success after the long work and wait for them to start laying.
#kidtrapreneurs #layinghens #chickeneggs #chicks #farmfresh #growingstrong
Took a Mushroom Growing Class with a friend and now we have some blue oyster Mushrooms growing.
They grow at a very noticeable rate each day.
Can't wait to split this and make more bags and grow more!
#indoorgardening #mushrooms #fungus #micelium #blueoystermushroom #newhobby #homestead #homegrown #cuteness
We have been dealing with it the last couple seasons. Extreme cold, stupid amounts of rain, then no rain, extreme heat...
But we just try to ignore those things. Look for the good things happening and move forward. We can work with not perfect. Just takes some tweaking.
Bilbo here was supposed to be goat and chicken friendly. But we quickly learned he was neither. It took some time and work and he now wants to just hang with the goats while they fill their bellies during the day. And he stopped filling his belly with our hens.
Don't get stuck on perfect! Everything is a work in progress.
#homesteadtruth #farmlife #greenerpastures #goats #guardiandog #grazing #littlemoments
Piglets are literally the cutest!
(I say this of all the farm babies)
These are American Guinea Hog mix. Not sure what the mix is but some come out speckled sometimes. They grow a little faster and leaner than the AGH but still stay a moderate sized pig that's great for a small homestead and great for home butchering. And they do a great job clearing scrub land!
Piglets will be for sale soon as we have several different ages getting weened.
#americanguineahogs #pigs #piglets #baconbits #farmbabies #growyourown #sustainable #springfieldmo