Yocum Dog Training

Yocum Dog Training Coaching canines and their families in valuable life skills that lead to happy dogs and happy people.


Owning a dog should be seen as a big commitment and yet people give dog ownership less thought than they do getting married or having children. The idea that pets are for our pleasure, entertainment, and fulfillment is exactly why people feel they can throw away dogs that don’t fit their idea of how a dog should be in their home. If one doesn’t work out rehome or give up because it must be a lemon right? Only to have this happen over and over again. And guess what, it’s not because of the dog, it’s our current pet culture. I could go on for days about the pet industry but I’ll save that for later. For now I just want to highlight that owning a dog or any pet is not something to take lightly. We have to take responsibility for what we are doing to these animals and how we are contributing to the massive problems we are seeing today.

Did you know that millions of dogs are currently in shelters and rescues, struggling to find homes? It's time for us to step up and make a difference! By becoming responsible dog owners, we can help reduce the number of dogs being abandoned and support these incredible organizations. ❤️

Let’s address a serious issue - incidents of dog bites and attacks are on the rise. Woah, that's concerning! We need to understand dog behavior and take proactive measures to prevent such incidents. As responsible dog owners, we need to prioritize proper training, socialization, and responsible handling to ensure the safety of both our furry pals and the people around them. 🐾

Love is important, no doubt about it, but it's not the only thing our dogs need. They thrive on structure, consistency, and clear communication. Let's provide them with a loving and structured environment by setting boundaries, giving them appropriate training, and keeping their minds stimulated. This will contribute to their overall well-being and happiness in their role as our pets. ❤️

Being a responsible dog owner means more than just giving cuddles and treats. It's about being a leader and providing guidance. Let's establish ourselves as leaders by setting clear rules and expectations, consistently reinforcing them, and providing appropriate training. By doing so, we can create well-adjusted and happy dogs who are integrated into our communities. 🐾

Sometimes, it's hard to say "no" to those puppy dog eyes, but trust me, it's important! When dogs are never told "no" and always get what they want, it can lead to demanding and even aggressive behavior. When we don’t set boundaries we inadvertently create what would be widely considered a bully. Let's be responsible dog owners and provide the structure and guidance our furry friends need to thrive! 💪

Remember, loyalty isn't always a sign of happiness. Dogs often have a reputation for being loyal companions and for the most part they are. There is however something to think about…are they truly loyal or do they just lack the ability to leave their current situation? Yikes, I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but it needs to be said. Dogs have little to no control over many of the aspects of their lives from what, when, how they eat, to even getting permission to go to the bathroom. Imagine such a level of control in one of our human relationships and the world would tell you to leave, and you as a human have that ability to walk away. Your dog does NOT. The entire point of training, boundaries, and structure are not to control your dog or to have an “obedient” companion but to allow them to learn how to to make good choices and have more control in their lives. An empowered dog is a well balanced dog, but they cannot get there on love alone. We can change the world for our dogs by being more proactive and responsible. These are living and sentient beings who deserve more from us as their caregivers. ❤️🐕


Breeds I wanted as a child:
-Standard Poodle
-Border Collie

Breeds I’ve had in the past
-Cane Corso

Breeds I have right now:
-Armenian Gampr
-Golden Retriever

Breeds I plan to have:
-Border Collie

Breeds I want but I doubt I’ll have:
-Dutch Shepherd

Breeds I will never have:
-Most medium+ sized brachy breeds
-So many more that I can’t think of- ask me!

What breeds do you have? What breeds would you never have?

Great session tonight! Keith and Brenda have been making so much progress with Laynie!

Great session tonight! Keith and Brenda have been making so much progress with Laynie!


Doogie is 92 # solid train. He’s used to conducting the walks and pulling his owners wherever the wind takes him. Doogie and his owners are making huge improvements in walking and their leash skills, so proud of them all! Keep walking toward the goal and get that train back on track.


Verbal cues play a crucial role in dog training to establish expectations. However, anticipating situations where cues may not be present is equally important. Teaching dogs the concept of permission without explicit cues is essential. For example, they should learn not to run through an open door or assume dropped food is theirs without needing a reminder. Does your dog steal your food, counter surf, or run through open doors? If you’re struggling send me a message!


I have seen this reel going around and the amount of comments with wrong information concern me. There are many people living with this level of resource guarding, however in the second part of the clip it shows someone and another dog who is putting their hand in and taking away food to prove a point. That’s not the point people need to see. That’s not a point I make to my dogs, could I? Yes, I could take a steak away, a bone, a toy, their food but I don’t because I don’t want to create any issues with insecurity.
Resource guarding is a survival behavior and comes natural to every domesticated dog, from chihuahua to mastiffs, and more. Although it’s natural, it’s considered highly unfavorable. Dogs are primarily scavengers, so if they’re on their own they generally eat what they want however if they don’t have it long enough to eat it, they will starve and die. It’s defined as a dog displaying guarding behaviors around a resource.
A common misconception is that only dominant dogs display this behavior, false. If you observe a more “dominant” dog and a less “dominant” dog, the less dominant will still guard his resources from being stolen by the other animals in the household. Because this behavior isn’t about dominance, it’s about a fear of losing something valuable. Many of us guard our valuables..it’s natural. Imagine someone coming up to your plate of food while you’re eating and picking up and messing with your pasta…..you’d be pretty upset because that’s just rude, and yes your dog is not a fan of that either. I’ve done it too, however it didn’t teach my dogs anything, I was lucky to have dogs without resource guarding. Now that I know better, the dogs I have now have never had an issue and I’ve never had to man handle their food. Neither do you.
This particular issue can be very scary and very problematic, especially with children and other animals in the home. Understanding a few key concepts will help you and your dog make strides in this area.

1) 🏠 Environmental management
2) 💣 Triggers
3) 🐕 Body language
4) 🔬 Classical counter conditioning/desensitization
5) 💕 How to build trust in an animal between human/dog or dog/dog

If your dog is struggling with resource guarding please reach out so we can formulate a plan and help bring peace of mind to the whole family, dog included.


When it comes to training our furry friends, failure is not something to fear or avoid. It's an opportunity for growth a...

When it comes to training our furry friends, failure is not something to fear or avoid. It's an opportunity for growth and a stepping stone towards the life we envision with our dogs.
Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, let's see it as a pathway to success. Embrace the lessons learned from each unsuccessful attempt and use them to refine our techniques and adapt our approach.
Let’s shift our mindset and celebrate the growth that comes from failures in dog training. With patience, perseverance, and a positive attitude, we can help our dogs thrive and achieve the life we've always dreamed of sharing with them.

Thank you to Liz Fosslien for this reminder. She is an author and an expert on emotions in humans, which we can also apply to our lives with dogs.

Enrichment is a wonderful and essential thing we can do for our dogs to ensure that we meet biological needs.  When we u...

Enrichment is a wonderful and essential thing we can do for our dogs to ensure that we meet biological needs. When we use this we can both physically and mentally stimulate our dogs promoting a more fufilled life.
But enrichment like anything in dog training can be misunderstood. This is because every dog is an individual and unique and not all dogs will enjoy the same benefits from any one type of enrichment. This can also mean that your dog may not find stuffed food items very enriching.
That’s why understanding your dogs breed group or breed needs and their individual personalities are so important. My golden retriever doesn’t like to play collie ball like an Aussie or border collie. And my Gampr doesn’t play fetch like my golden, he prefers tug and to hunt for small animals.
But the biggest enrichment item i can give them is enrichment with me. Your dog would prefer to participate in enrichment with you near by or participating with them.
Does this change your understanding of enrichment? How do you enrich your dogs life?

What does your dog enjoy? We have a part of our property called the forbidden pasture, it’s long and the dogs aren’t all...

What does your dog enjoy? We have a part of our property called the forbidden pasture, it’s long and the dogs aren’t allowed to freely go in there, but as a reward for doing some training tasks I like to bring the boys out there to play ball and hunt in the pasture. Rewards don’t always have to be food based or praise, you can use your dogs favorite activities to reward them for some work done. Not only is this enriching to them but it can be more reinforcing than food or praise! What do your dogs enjoy doing? What kind of adventures do you take them on? Can you use that as a reward for them? I want you to think about those things and enjoy photos of Bear doing his favorite thing, hunting in the forbidden pasture. This time he flushed out a rabbit!

There is a lot of opinion about reinforcement based dog training and whether it actually helps behavior issues or not.  ...

There is a lot of opinion about reinforcement based dog training and whether it actually helps behavior issues or not. I hear people tell me a lot how reinforcement based training did nothing for their dog. This is why timing and recognition is so important! So let’s define it and let’s walk through it!

7 tips on how to instantly improve your dog’s life

7 tips on how to instantly improve your dog’s life


🎉 Let's talk about the wonderful technique of free shaping in dog training! ✨

🐾 Have you ever heard of free shaping? It's a pawsome training technique that allows dogs to use their problem-solving skills and creativity to learn new behaviors. 🧠

🐾 So, how can you get started with free shaping? I’ll break it down below.

🐾 Choose a behavior: Decide on a simple behavior you'd like to teach your pup. It could be anything from touching an object with their paw to jumping through a hoop!

🐾 Break it down: Break the behavior into small, achievable steps. Start with the first step and make sure your pup understands it before moving on to the next one.

🐾 Use rewards: When your pup offers a behavior that is even slightly close to what you want, reward them with treats, praise, or their favorite toy! This positive reinforcement will motivate them to continue trying.

🐾 Patience is key: Remember, free shaping requires patience and time. Don't rush your dog, and celebrate every small success along the way. 🎉

🐾 The beauty of free shaping is that it builds confidence, problem-solving skills, and strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Plus, it's a ton of fun for both of you! 🐶🤗

🐾 So, why not give free shaping a try? Get creative, enjoy the process, and watch your pup shine! 🌟

🐾 Let's inspire each other to unleash the potential of our four-legged friends!

🇺🇸 Honoring Our Veterans and K9 Heroes on Veterans Day! 🐾Today, we at Show Me Dog Training want to take a moment to expr...

🇺🇸 Honoring Our Veterans and K9 Heroes on Veterans Day! 🐾

Today, we at Show Me Dog Training want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude and honor all the brave men and women who have served our country. On this special Veterans Day, we also want to recognize and pay tribute to the incredible K9 veterans who have played a vital role in protecting our freedom and security.

To our veterans, we thank you for your selfless dedication, unwavering courage, and sacrifices made in the defense of our nation. Your commitment to preserving our liberties and ensuring our safety is truly commendable. You have answered the call of duty, leaving behind the comforts of home to face challenges and adversity with incredible resilience. Your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten.

We also want to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions of our four-legged heroes, the K9 veterans. These loyal and fearless companions have served alongside our military personnel, performing invaluable tasks such as bomb detection, search and rescue, and providing vital emotional support to our troops. Their dedication and unwavering loyalty have saved countless lives and brought comfort to those in need.

At Show Me Dog Training, we understand the importance of the bond between veterans and their K9 partners. We are proud to be a veteran-owned company that recognizes the unique needs and challenges faced by these incredible teams. We strive to provide top-notch training and support to both veterans and their K9 companions, ensuring they can successfully navigate their post-military lives together.

On this Veterans Day, let us reflect on the immense sacrifices made by our veterans and their K9 counterparts. Let us also remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and never made it back home. It is our duty to honor their legacy by supporting and uplifting our veterans and ensuring they receive the care and respect they deserve.

To all our veterans, we salute you and express our deepest gratitude. To our K9 heroes, we honor you and appreciate the vital roles you have played in our nation's defense. Thank you for your service, dedication, and unwavering commitment to protecting our freedom. Happy Veterans Day! 🇺🇸🐾


We would like to invite you to our Grand Opening event! We will have Huey Magoo's chicken for you and your pets, ice cream, and more. Come see our beautiful new facility and say hi to us. Bring your furry friends along too!
* All pets must be leashed for this event

🐾🎃 Halloween is just around the corner, and while it's a fun-filled holiday for us, it can be quite spooky for our furry...

🐾🎃 Halloween is just around the corner, and while it's a fun-filled holiday for us, it can be quite spooky for our furry friends. Let's make sure we keep our dogs safe and happy during this festive time! 🐶💛

🚫🍫 First and foremost, keep the treats out of reach! Chocolates and candies may be delicious to us, but they can be harmful to our four-legged pals. Remember, chocolate is toxic to dogs, so let's avoid any accidental snacking and keep those goodies securely stored away.

🎭🔦 Costumes can be adorable, but not all pups enjoy wearing them. Before dressing up your furry friend, make sure they feel comfortable and unrestricted. Be mindful of any potential choking hazards or uncomfortable accessories that may cause stress or anxiety.

🚪🎉 Trick-or-treating can be exciting, but it's best to keep our dogs indoors and in a safe, quiet space during this time. The constant doorbell ringing and strangers in costumes can be overwhelming for them. Consider providing a cozy spot with their favorite toys and treats to help them relax.

🎇🐕 If you do decide to take your pup out for a Halloween adventure, make sure they are wearing proper identification, such as a collar with tags or a microchip. With the increased foot traffic and potential for escape, it's essential to have a way to identify and locate them if they get lost.

🌟✨ Lastly, be cautious with Halloween decorations. Keep wires, candles, and other potentially dangerous items out of reach. Dogs are curious creatures and may accidentally knock things over or chew on hazardous objects.

Let's ensure that Halloween is a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, including our furry family members! Share this post with your fellow dog lovers to spread the word about dog safety during this spook-tacular time. Have a pawsitively fantastic Halloween! 🎃🐾💕

Come join the free webinar! YOU ARE INVITED!!!Grab a pen and notebook and say goodbye to quick fixes and training method...

Come join the free webinar!


Grab a pen and notebook and say goodbye to quick fixes and training methods that are keeping you stuck.


✅ The little-known reason you’re “stuck” with a fearful, reactive, or aggressive dog, even if you’ve tried multiple trainers or programs

✅ The surprising way your dog’s brain processes the world and how that impacts their behavior

✅ The popular technique that most dog trainers teach but really distracts your dog from making true progress. And what you can try instead!

✅ The game-changing key to understanding your dog’s behavior, so you can get out of the frustration loop of training without traction

✅ The 80% rule that’ll revolutionize the rehabilitation process of your dog’s behaviors


3 things you probably don’t know about your dog’s brain that are KEY for rehabilitating fear, aggression, and reactivityA free live masterclass by Dr. Melanie Uhde, a leading expert in dog behavior and neuroscience. Sign up for the free LIVE trainingOctober 19th @ 7PM EST Based on 10 years of sc...


Amanda is a multi decorated Purple Heart recipient who stands ready to serve both you and your dog through your training journey.
Amanda is an avid animal lover and has had her love of dogs since childhood, training her neighbors dogs and hosting neighborhood dog shows. She is a wealth of knowledge and a dog encyclopedia. Amanda is an up and coming leader in the world of dogs, implementing non traditional techniques and ways of thinking when it comes to understanding and teaching our dogs in our fast paced world.
Amanda’s creative and individual approach encompasses compassion and understanding for you and your dogs. Amanda is ready to help dog owners with an industry leading, multi-dimensional approach to dog behavior and training.


Springfield, MO


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