Making end of life decisions for our beloved pets is something we would prefer to never have to do. However, pet owners are faced with considering these decisions at some point during the lifetime of their furry friends. Sometimes we start thinking more about end of life decisions after a heart breaking diagnosis, such as organ failure or cancer. Other times it is due to aging changes or dementia. Whatever the reason, being prepared for how you would like to say good-bye to your four-legged best friend can help prevent suffering for them and reduce having to make decisions at a highly emotional and distressing time. While in home euthanasia is not appropriate in every situation, more and more pet parents are seeking this for end of life care. Most in home providers have very limited ability to help on an emergency basis where help is either needed immediately or within a few hours. If the in home experience is a priority, then planning ahead and allowing even a couple of days to get scheduled is recommended.