Big congrats to Deputy Boatright and K9 Qlark for completing their 4 week handler course, and certifying nationally under AMPWDA standards. They’re hitting the road Saturday 🤙🏼
With us you can find training with our Nationally Accredited K9 Master Trainer for:
🔹 Handler Courses
🔹 Decoy Workshops
🔹 Tracking / Trailing Courses
🔹 Detection Workshops
We offer street ready Single and Dual-Purpose K9 as well as Imported Green K9 Prospects. Contact us today for your department’s next K9 Prospect, Single or Dual-Purpose K9, attend a Handler Course, or Nationally Certified Course for K9 Training.
Contact us today to setup an appointment.
☎️ (907) 691-8600
✉️ [email protected]
#SoulSnatcher #K9 #K9Unit #MPC #GermanShepherd #GSD #BelgianMalinois #Malinois #BelgianShepherd #DutchShepherd #NoTouchTheDutch #ForceMultiplier #MansBestFriend #ForTheTribe #ViolenceOfAction #StayFrosty #WorkingDog #WorkingDogsOfIG #PoliceK9 #ALMSuitsandEquipment