Green Lantern Kerry Blue Terriers

Green Lantern Kerry Blue Terriers Follow us in our adventures at the dog show and with our puppies!

Green Lantern’s I Wet My Plants “Convict” is gearing up to start agility trials soon!! Can’t wait to see how he and Zahr...

Green Lantern’s I Wet My Plants “Convict” is gearing up to start agility trials soon!! Can’t wait to see how he and Zahria Nicole do!!

I love how happy he looks running the course.

We do not remove dew claws from our puppies!

We do not remove dew claws from our puppies!

Dewclaws! They are IMPORTANT! Many dog breeders routinely, and without much thought, amputate puppies' front dewclaws when the pups are 3-5 days of age. Why? The thought is to prevent potential injuries, such as tears of the digit, later in life. BUT do you realize that the dewclaw is a FUNCTIONAL, IMPORTANT digit? I am thankful that my own dog's breeder did not amputate Dunkin's front dewclaws. Do you also know that with appropriate exercises, the muscles of the dewclaw can be strengthened to help promote and maintain appropriate function and close apposition of the dewclaw to the side of the paw? Below is an article by a friend and colleague, Dr. Chris Zink, that explains the importance, anatomy, and function of the front dewclaw.

"Do the Dew(claws)?
by Chris Zink, DVM PhD DACVSMR

As a veterinary sports medicine specialist, I work extensively with canine athletes, developing rehabilitation programs for injured dogs or dogs that required surgery due to performance-related injuries. I have seen many dogs, especially field trial/hunt test and agility dogs, that have chronic carpal arthritis, frequently so severe that they must be retired or at least carefully managed for the rest of their careers. I noticed that very few of those dogs had dewclaws and began to wonder whether these appendages might, in fact, protect a dog from injuries. What I learned might surprise you.

The Anatomy of Dewclaws
Miller's Guide to the Anatomy of the Dog, a veterinary anatomy text, has an excellent figure depicting the muscular anatomy of the distal forelimb. There are 2 functional muscles, the extensor pollicis longus et indicis proprius and flexor digitorum profundus, which are attached to the front dewclaw by 4 tendons (references in blog). Each of those muscle/tendon units has a different function in movement. That means that if you cut off the dew claws, you are preventing the muscles that were attached to the dewclaws from functioning.

In contrast, rear limb dewclaws do not have muscle/tendon attachments, so their removal might be appropriate, except in the breeds such as Briards and Beauceron in which they should be retained.

Dewclaws Do Have Functions
If there are muscles and tendons attached to the dewclaws, then they most likely have a function. Broadly speaking, dewclaws have at least two different functions:
1. Grasp the ground when the dog is turning to prevent torque on the forelimb. Each time the front foot lands on the ground, particularly when the dog is cantering or galloping (see Figure 2), the dewclaw is in touch with the ground. If the dog then needs to turn, the dewclaw actively digs into the ground to stabilize the lower leg and prevent torque. In Figure 3 you can clearly see the dewclaw of a Corgi herding a sheep extended, ready to grip the ground. And in the image at the top of this article, you can see the dewclaws of a dog extended, ready to grip the water!

Do the Dew(claws)?

If a dog doesn't have dewclaws, the leg will twist on its axis, creating increased pressure on the carpal bones, as well as the elbow, shoulder and toes. A lifetime of this kind of torque and the result can be carpal arthritis or injuries to and subsequent arthritis in other joints of the forelimb, such as the elbow, shoulder, and toes. Remember, the dog is participating in the activity regardless, so there will be concussive pressures on the leg, and if the dewclaw does not help to stabilize the leg, those pressures will be transmitted to other areas of the leg, especially the joints.

2. Grip objects. We have all seen dogs using their dewclaws to grip an object such as a ball or bone (Figure 4). I've even seen many photos of agility dogs gripping the teeter for stability (Figure 5). But did you know that the dewclaws' gripping ability can, in fact, save your dog's life? Check out the video "Dewclaws Do Have a Purpose" for "gripping" views of dogs attempting to get out of water onto ice without the help of those ice picks on the inside of their legs. The video also shows dogs using their dewclaws to grip the ice and escape from a potentially fatal situation. I have known several dogs that drowned after falling through ice in the winter. None of them had dewclaws. If they had, perhaps they would have survived and spared their owners the incredible heartache of watching their dogs die unnecessarily.

Arguments for Removing Dewclaws
1. The dewclaws will get injured. This is the most common reason I hear for removing dewclaws. A friend of mine had such a severe dewclaw injury in one of her dogs that she swore she would remove them on all the dogs she bred subsequently.

But the data indicate that dewclaws are not injured very often. A study published in 2018 showed that the dewclaw was the LEAST likely toe to be injured in agility dogs, in which landing and turning from jumps and other obstacles put the toes at risk for injuries. Thus, it makes no sense to remove the dewclaws because of risk of injury. And, of course, no one would consider removing the 5th digits in the front feet, which are by far the most commonly injured toe.

2. Owners forget to trim the dewclaws. Surely this is a matter of education. Do we really want to remove a functioning digit in all dogs, just because some owners need to be reminded that they must remember to trim the dewclaws?

3. Dewclaws make the forelimb look less straight when viewed from the front in conformation. The AKC states: "The breed standard describes the characteristics of the ideal
dog to perform the function for which it was bred." While we could have long discussions about the veracity of this statement, it is interesting to note that there are VERY few breed standards that require dewclaw removal. I know of only one - the Vizsla breed standard.

A Plea
So, here's a plea to retain dogs' dewclaws. They are a functioning digit. They are the toe least likely to be injured. Isn't this enough to convince us not to do the dewclaws?"


It’s hot in St. Louis, guess we better take the dogs to the pool!!!

This beautiful girl, Iggy, has made the top five in the 2024 AKC Agility Invitationals for the second year in a row!  We...

This beautiful girl, Iggy, has made the top five in the 2024 AKC Agility Invitationals for the second year in a row! We are so proud!!

Green Lantern Kerifield’s Trial By Fire MX MXJ MJS MFB T2B DCAT

The pillow I made for her last year for her first invitation, it’s taken from a photo of her competing in agility. Iggy is handled and loved by Carolyn Steffen

Margot and Nori attended the Oklahoma Summer Classic last weekend and what a great weekend they had!Pending AKC Confirma...

Margot and Nori attended the Oklahoma Summer Classic last weekend and what a great weekend they had!

Pending AKC Confirmation
🌟NEW CH🌟 Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion TKN
Margot finished with 4 majors, 3 from the bred by classes!

Nori was not going to be shown up by her sister! She was awarded a 4 and a 5 point major over the weekend as well!
🥒Green Lantern’s I’m Kind of a Big Dill🥒

Both of these girls are from our W**d It and Reap litter and we are so thrilled at how well they are doing at only 13 months of age!

A special thank you to Tessa Vildaer who not only owns and handles Nori but also piloted Margot to her last major to finish her. It’s been a blast working with you!

I received some awesome photos of Iggy (Green Lantern Kerifield’s Trial By Fire MX MXJ MJS MFB T2B DCAT) at an ISC trial...

I received some awesome photos of Iggy (Green Lantern Kerifield’s Trial By Fire MX MXJ MJS MFB T2B DCAT) at an ISC trial recently. And no she didn’t drop that bar! Just incredible!

Iggy is from the Elements litter (Travis x Electra) and loved by Carolyn Steffen and Polk Montague

The Green Lantern girls hit the show ring last weekend at the Start June Cluster. Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion “Ma...

The Green Lantern girls hit the show ring last weekend at the Start June Cluster.

Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion “Margot” won Winners on Thursday, Sunday and Monday, earning 2 majors and 9 total points! Only 3 more until her Champion!

Green Lantern’s I Am Kind of A Big Dill “Nori” came down to visit from Canada and earned Reserve on Friday! Nori is owned by Tessa Vildaer.

Over Memorial Day weekend Green Lantern’s I Wet My Plants “Convict” showed with his owner Zahria Nicole in California where Convict was awarded Winners Dog and BOBOH!

I am so thrilled with this litter so far!

The W**d It and Reap litter are a year old today! Where does the time go? These puppies are leading happy and busy lives...

The W**d It and Reap litter are a year old today! Where does the time go? These puppies are leading happy and busy lives, just the way they like it!

GCH Krisma’s Quest for Satisfaction x GCH Green Lantern Kerifield’s Out of the Ashes CA BCAT RATO SJ SWN TKN

What are these pups up to? In order of birth….

Oatis - Oaty is busy learning agility! He’s looking as promising as his Auntie Iggy (littermate to Ember), who he lives with, I’m sure she gives him all the pointers!

Convict - This boy is doing all the things! Agility, conformation, and recently started diving off the dock! Training is his favorite.

Nori - Nori is traveling North America with her mom, showing in both Canada and the US. She’s had multiple Puppy Group 1’s in Canada as well as a Regular Group 4, earning points towards her Canadian CH. She was reserve to a 5 point major here in the US recently as well at only 10 months old.

And last but least…

Margot - Margot earned her TKN at the tender age of 4 months, and then started competing in the conformation ring where she earned a Beginner Puppy Group 1, and was recently Best of Winners at the STL KBTC Specialty in March earning a major and her first points towards her Champion title. She also has a few Q’s in Scent work!

I’m so pleased with how this litter is growing up and can’t wait to see what the future holds for them!!

AKC has been busy printing certificates for us lately!GCH CH Sheep Creek DeFynnder of the Galaxy of Krisma CA BCAT TKI R...

AKC has been busy printing certificates for us lately!

GCH CH Sheep Creek DeFynnder of the Galaxy of Krisma CA BCAT TKI RATS SWA SCAE SEAE “Fynn” was awarded his Advanced Containers Elite title in Scent Work! He’s about halfway to his buried elite and only a couple more runs for interior elite before he finishes the overall advanced elite title.

GCH CH Green Lantern Kerifield’s Out of the Ashes TKN CA BCAT RATO DS SWN “Ember” finally got that last novice containers run and finished her Novice Containers and Novice Overall title in Scent Work! This makes her eligible for tiering up this year with the USKBTC’s versatility award Gold level!!

and last but not least…

Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion TKN “Margot” managed to earn her Puppy of Achievement award through her beginner puppy wins and class wins in bred by puppy! Love that bred bys can now work towards this achievement!

We received Margot’s win photo from last weekend’s Specialty! Excited for this girl’s future!🧅 Green Lantern’s Little Ra...

We received Margot’s win photo from last weekend’s Specialty! Excited for this girl’s future!

🧅 Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion TKN 🧅
GCH Krisma’s Quest for Satisfaction x GCH Green Lantern Kerifield’s Out of the Ashes CA BCAT TKN DS SWN RATO

BOW at the KBTC-StL Specialty *4 Point Major* at 10 months old!

We finally got around to buying Ember’s win photo from the Kentuckiana Cluster. Ember was awarded Select Bitch earning a...

We finally got around to buying Ember’s win photo from the Kentuckiana Cluster. Ember was awarded Select Bitch earning a 5 point major towards her Grand Champion Bronze.

She was handled for the first time by Tessa Vildaer, who owns, handles and loves Ember’s daughter Nori (Green Lantern’s I’m Kind of a Big Dill). She did a lovely job that handling Ember.

🔥 GCH CH Green Lantern Kerifield’s Out of the Ashes CA BCAT TKN DS SWN RATO 🔥

Kerifieldkerionforever Time Traveler x Sheep Creek Electra Of Krisma

Margot (Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion) had a great time at her first specialty this weekend! She walked away being ...

Margot (Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion) had a great time at her first specialty this weekend! She walked away being awarded Best of Winners on Saturday with her first points towards her champion, and a 4 point major! Just like her mama she adds her own flare to the ring, always sure to have a good time!

Ms. Iggy (Green Lantern Kerifield’s Trial By Fire) is killing it in agility! Love seeing all that blue and double Q’s!!

Ms. Iggy (Green Lantern Kerifield’s Trial By Fire) is killing it in agility! Love seeing all that blue and double Q’s!!

Ember says it’s a Leap Day! She loves to leap into any water she can find!

Ember says it’s a Leap Day! She loves to leap into any water she can find!

Congrats Zahria Nicole and Convict (Green Lantern’s I Wet My Plants) this weekend on winning their class at their first ...

Congrats Zahria Nicole and Convict (Green Lantern’s I Wet My Plants) this weekend on winning their class at their first conformation show!!!

Zahria is doing a great job training this boy and learning how to groom him herself. So proud of this team! ❤️❤️❤️

Hands down this will be my favorite photo from Royal Canin week. Taken Sunday evening right as we were walking out the d...

Hands down this will be my favorite photo from Royal Canin week. Taken Sunday evening right as we were walking out the door but worth it!

This was my first time bringing a homebred to Royal Canin and not only did I have but actually THREE homebreds and three invitations to Royal Canin!


🔥Green Lantern Kerifield’s Trial by Fire AX MXJ MJB MXF T2B DCAT🔥

Iggy was invited not only to the Fast CAT Invitationals but also the Agility Invitational! She earned her DCAT in Orlando running over 25mph each run. But my favorite was finally getting to watch her in person in agility. Just wow!! For as young as she is she is an absolute powerhouse in the ring and the relationship Iggy and Carolyn have built is truly awesome to watch, I couldn’t be more proud! I wish I was closer to watch them more often, she’s going to be a Kerry to watch out for as she matures!!


☄️GCH CH Green Lantern Kerifield’s Out of the Ashes CA BCAT SIN SEN SBN DS RATO☄️

Ember, littermate to Iggy, was invited to NOHS Finals where she took Best of Opposite. Ember also got to spend a day playing in dock diving and has come back stronger than ever since having puppies setting a new personal best of 15’6” and earning her Senior title.


🧅Green Lantern’s Little RapScallion🧅

Margot debuted in Puppy Sweeps, and won her class. She is starting to show the same zest her mom has for the ring! Margot also showed on Sunday in the AKC National Championship and went Reserve!

We had a lot of fun at Royal Canin with great friends, across many sports and breeds. Now we are looking forward for a break in 2024 from the conformation ring to focus on other sports, you’ll see us back but it will be sparingly next year in the conformation ring.



Show day! A little pre-Royal Canin warm up! Ember is still sporting her bed head look for a little longer this morning, ...

Show day! A little pre-Royal Canin warm up! Ember is still sporting her bed head look for a little longer this morning, waiting on other dogs to get their turn.

Green Lantern KBT’s attended a scent work trial this weekend and everyone came home with ribbons! Even Baby Margot, who ...

Green Lantern KBT’s attended a scent work trial this weekend and everyone came home with ribbons! Even Baby Margot, who at only 6 months and 4 days old, earning her first Novice Containers ribbon! Fynn earned his first Elite title in Advanced Exteriors and got his first Excellent Interiors Q. Ember also had a good weekend earning a 2nd place in Advanced Exteriors and a 4th place in Novice Containers! Good pups!

The good news keeps on rolling in! Ember officially earned her NOHS Bronze level achievement!This means that over her li...

The good news keeps on rolling in! Ember officially earned her NOHS Bronze level achievement!

This means that over her lifetime Ember has accrued 250 NOHS points. Good job Ember!

Sooooo very VERY proud to announce that TWO girls from the “Elements” litter have been invited to attend Royal Canin in ...

Sooooo very VERY proud to announce that TWO girls from the “Elements” litter have been invited to attend Royal Canin in Orlando for events!

Ember will be competing in the NOHS Finals!

And Iggy will be attending not only for Fast Cat but also Agility!!

It’s going to be a busy week flurrying about trying not to miss a second of these girls doing their thing! ❤️

“Elements” Litter
GCH KerfieldKeriOnForever Time Traveler x CH Sheep Creek Electra RATO CA

Finally received our win photo from last weekend, we ended the NOHS year with a bang, earning a Group 1 on Sunday at the...

Finally received our win photo from last weekend, we ended the NOHS year with a bang, earning a Group 1 on Sunday at the Three Rivers KC show!

Ember was Select on Sunday last weekend at the Des Moines KC show earning a 4 point major towards her Grand Champion tit...

Ember was Select on Sunday last weekend at the Des Moines KC show earning a 4 point major towards her Grand Champion title, only a few more points to go!!

This weekend is the last weekend for the Owner Handled cutoff, so you’ll see us at Purina this weekend vying for some points for the top ten, and hopefully an invite to Orlando!!

Ember has come back better than ever after puppies and I’m so excited to be so close to making top ten after very limited showing this year.


Nori and her owner Tessa had their first B Match yesterday and won Best Puppy in Match! I love seeing Nori’s enthusiasm in the ring. So proud of this team! ❤️❤️

Our ad in American Dog Fancier is out! Ember has been back in the ring for several weeks now and having a blast, catchin...

Our ad in American Dog Fancier is out! Ember has been back in the ring for several weeks now and having a blast, catching several judges’ eyes for some Owner Handled group placements and in a few short days the puppies will be old enough for Beginner Puppy! Margot hits the ring in Des Moines in a week and a half!

Ember and I are having fun together in the ring, no matter what my face says. love this beautiful girl!

Ember and I are having fun together in the ring, no matter what my face says. love this beautiful girl!

We had a good time in Marion, Illinois last weekend at the Crab Orchard Kennel Club show! Ember was best of breed all th...

We had a good time in Marion, Illinois last weekend at the Crab Orchard Kennel Club show! Ember was best of breed all three days and won a NOHS Group 4 on Saturday and a Group 2 on Sunday! She is loving being back in the ring!

Margot, Ember’s daughter, got to go to her first show and entered the B Match that evening. She was having so much fun in the ring, bouncing like she was walking on springs. She earned a Group 4.

Iggy qualified for Invitationals this year!!! Can’t wait to watch her and Carolyn Steffen run in December!!

Iggy qualified for Invitationals this year!!! Can’t wait to watch her and Carolyn Steffen run in December!!

Exciting weekend for Carolyn Steffen and Iggy, a first place finish in Master Standard! Sooooo proud of these girls, Car...

Exciting weekend for Carolyn Steffen and Iggy, a first place finish in Master Standard! Sooooo proud of these girls, Carolyn has done an incredible job training young Iggy up. And a first place time, just wow!

Go team Iggy and Carolyn Steffen!!  Iggy also finished 2022 in 4th place and should receive an invitation to Royal Canin...

Go team Iggy and Carolyn Steffen!!

Iggy also finished 2022 in 4th place and should receive an invitation to Royal Canin. Her more potato-y sister, Ember, finished 12th last year.


St. Louis, MO


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