My recent post on separation anxiety sparked many comments that were adamantly anti-crate. Frankly I was surprised. In my opinion, crating is such an integral part of raising and living well with dogs. Of course, everyone is welcome to their own opinions, and are also welcome to do as they see fit. That said, I figured I’d share a partial list of possible reasons why crate training might be a good idea...even if you don’t use it all the time.
•Your dog needs to stay at the vet for an injury
•Your dog needs to be evacuated due to an emergency
•Your dog needs to be boarded while you’re unexpectedly unable to look after them
•Your dog needs to be physically isolated due to healing or injury
•If these, or any of the other countless unfortunate realities inevitably pop up, you’ll probably wish that this already unpleasant, stress-filled, and worrisome moment wasn’t their first time in a crate.
P.S. This doesn’t include the countless dogs who will never be truly pottie trained due to reluctance to crate train, or dogs who destroy the house or ingest something dangerous because of reluctance to crate.
P.P.S. A great exercise would be to examine what’s behind your reluctance to crate your dog, or at least crate train your dog. I know what mine were all those years ago, and they were far more about my emotional projections then they were about my dogs actual welfare.