“Rest In Peace, Action Cat Frodo, born September 22, 2005, died February 1, 2024, about 7 AM (Central Standard Time), Buried 7 PM. There will be a public memorial service in my back yard at his gravesite at 5 PM on May 31 (the 16th anniversary of his sister Shevek’s disappearance).
Frodo had hyperthyroidism and probably died from organ failure resulting from that condition, though his vital signs were fairly robust. On the morning of February 1st, he had no appetite and could not walk straight. He called out to me, and when I picked him up, he died in my arms, after giving me two death growls. He chose the time and place of his death—, in my arms.
Ryan Butler dug his grave, and we buried him with his harness, collars, and all his tags. I noted that I planned to donate 30 days supply of his medicine that I never got a chance to give him to the 10th Life Cat Rescue for Geriatric Cats. Frodo lived all 9 of his lives and I hope I can pass on his 10th life to another. Ryan played at my request ‘The Old Walking Song’ by the Tolkien Ensemble, sung by Frodo’s namesake in The Lord Of the Rings, “The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began, now far ahead The Road has gone, and I must follow if I can…”. Then Ryan read ‘The Rainbow Bridge’, and noted that Frodo has his tail back!
The next morning, I greeted my 17 and 1/2 year old cat, Odo, the way I greet my cats every morning: “Frodo, Odo, where’s my cat?” to the tune of Elizabeth Cotten’s ‘Freight Train’. Odo jangled her bells the way Frodo always did, his way of letting me know where he is, because he knows he that I can’t see. Odo never did that before. It was her way of mourning.
I played ‘Freight Train’, and sang along to the music. “Freight train, freight train, runs so fast, freight train, freight train, runs so fast, please don’t say which train I’m on, they won’t know which route I’ve gone.” I tell Odo that Frodo’s on that Freight Train across the Rainbow Bridge, and we’ll all meet again there.
[Note: In the original draft of The Lord Of the Rings, Bilbo’s heir, Bingo Baggins has two traveling companions, Frodo and Odo!]
Rest In Peace, Frodo. 18 and 1/2 years is too short a time to spend with such a wonderful cat.” — Jerome Howard Bauer