What good is looking good if no one sees it. Fashion with the ability to go out in public and behave while looking good. That is what we at Prep U K9 can do for you. Here we have Cassius Clay 10 month old pup out in public off leash, no collars no nothing sporting his Dog Face hoodie which is available here at Prep UK9. For your Fashion, Training, Educational Needs, Prep U K9 is here to be of service.
First off we want to apologize for lack of videos and content.. we been busy working and getting shop together.
Here in video we have Blakley here for confidence building and obedience.
The purpose of the video is to highlight that “Yes” we use tools (slip leads, martingales, ecollars etc). Like we tell and show is that the tools are only a reflection on the education of the person using them.
Blakley like said is here for confidence building (she is a nervous and fearful dog) but here she is with a “scary” ecollar.. as can see clearly there is no pain or cruelty, we have a happy compliant dog.
Disclaimer ecollar and many tools have a bad name because the lack of proper education to the tools and how to use them in a humane, safe and fun way for the dog. Here at PrepUK9 we take pride in helping and educating people on how to properly communicate with their dogs and how to use any tool, safely, and humanly.
Call 636-778-0910 to see how we can help “Prep You and Your Dog for Success”
Humphrey says he isn’t to proud to beg, he told us to tell you guys he highly recommends PrepU K9 and come in for some gear and accessories, an to see how our training can help “Prep You and Your Dog For Success”
PrepU K9 “Prepping Your Dog For Success” #prepuk9 #dogs #dogtrainer #stl #chesterfieldmo #PremiumOutlet #thankful
Before you make the mad dash out the door!!! Call or stop by Prep U K9 Today to see how we can help you and your dog.
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