We loved our weekend away with our old pals @kel_doc_ and Joe from @lavender_annes_herb_farm to Cumberland Falls.
It feels odd and almost unfair to get to celebrate these days with so many people dying in Palestine and the ongoing tragedy of war, but this past weekend it felt just right to celebrate @whats_in_a_james turning 40. He is truly a very special human. We met 17 years ago and much has happened and changed in our lives, yet he still remains gentle, loving and so much fun.
I made this reel for James for his birthday cause he loves showing me TikToks. Not that this comes close to showing the fullness of what living life with James is like, but it gives a glimpse of how truly wonderful and special he is. Happy 40th, James! We love you and can’t wait for many more.
“Fresh microgreens!” will be at @tgfarmersmarket tomorrow morning! We will be back in the center square where we were before covid with all kinds of delicious microgreens, honey and soaps. Come see us and our favorite salesperson 😉
Autumn was really enjoying exploring the seed box today. I hope one day she is as amazed by the power of a seed to germinate and grow as I am.
#planting #redcabbage #seeds #germination #growth #farmbaby #beesimple #stlouis #newroots
Check out this video to see what we are up to this winter. Thanks @xixrox for your great work! The best part was getting to hang out with you.
#winterproduction #microgreens #growingallyear #beesimple #localfood #winterfun #howmanyhourstomakea60secondvideo #funwithfriends
These chickens are very well fed! They eat the scraps of the microgreens once they’ve been harvested, provide us with delicious eggs and help us maintain healthy fertile soil in the garden. Plus they keep me company! #healthychickens #fresheggs #farmhelpers #whodoesntlovemicrogreens #beesimple #integratedfarming #sustainablefood #healthyhens #farmfriends #sunflowershoots #sunflowermicrogreens
#honeybees are swarming! #beesimple #localhoney #stl
I’m soooo glad James is off this summer. We are getting lots of good time in to work together....just like the bees are nonstop working together to make so much honey! @whats_in_a_james #beesimple #summer #urbanfarming #urbanbeekeeping #beekeepinglife #workingtogether #farmlife #honey #local #stl #familyfarming
Harvesting for @tgfarmersmarket tomorrow. #dizzygreens #harvesting #microgreens #sunflowershoots #beesimple #cowrycollective