A little mid-day game of chase today in the Benton Park Dog Park! #bentonpark #bentonparkstl #bentonparkdogpark
Just a few of our fluffy friends from Saturday’s Pup Crawl. Thanks to everyone that came out!! 🐶♥️
Hello neighbors & friends of the Benton Park Dog Park! We wanted to share an update on the park: We broke ground today! We had a really productive afternoon starting our water line and with the help of Purina and the GreaterGood.org we cleaned up our garden, planted lots of trees, installed everyones personalized bricks and a few doggie waste stations. Unfortunately, the fencing company has let us know that they aren’t able to get us the fencing panels shipped in time to open a fully functioning dog park on Saturday, May 25th. Though our official grand opening will have to be “post” poned, 🥁🤣 we will still be having a soft opening of the Benton Park Dog Park on May 25th. We will be out on this day at Fremont Park spending time with our neighbors for this wonderful holiday weekend with our local food truck 2 Girls 4 Wheels at curb, Café Piazza with pup pizza, 12 week old puppies for adoption from Tempo Of The Dog Rescue and professional dog photo snapshots with Alecia Hoyt Fur Fluff & Feather Pet Photography. We are anxious to meet all our new dog park members and welcome you to the park we have all worked so hard for! We will have our dog park perimeter staked out with flags but we have to ask that all dogs must be on leash and picked up after until the fence is installed, per city regulations. We will make a great afternoon celebrating our neighborhood's hard work and success! Rest assured we will have a dog park this summer (we're expecting fencing in the next few weeks) and we will honor all completed memberships starting the day the park officially opens, and they will be good for a year from that date. Please make sure you come out and join us for a great afternoon supporting our dog park committee, local businesses, and the celebration of the beginning of the Benton Park Dog Park! We will have lots of dog park swag for sale and we'll be taking memberships all day. Thank you, Benton Park Neighborhood Association and our alderman Dan Guenther for su
Maggie is practicing her singing voice for Café Piazza open mic #karaoke night benefitting the #bentonparkdogpark. What should she sing??