February is Dental Health Awareness Month!
We are here to help you and your pet avoid situations like the one pictured. This patient had nearly all of her teeth extracted during an Oral Procedure due to lack of preventative dental care. Poor dental health can lead to infections, lack of appetite and weight loss, bad breath, irritable behavior, and other health issues.
There are steps you can take to avoid a severe oral procedure:
Routine oral procedures to clean and polish the teeth every 18 months to 2 years. During an oral procedure, we also take dental radiographs to evaluate the health of each tooth beyond what the human eye can see. Doing an oral procedure routinely can minimize the number of teeth that need to be extracted. Routine oral procedures also end up being more cost-effective for you because a pet who is having them done routinely will require less time under anesthesia due to the cleaning being less involved. The most important benefit? Your pet feels better with a clean mouth!
A probiotic like Entero TruBenefits. Entero is formulated to continuously support your dog or cat with their oral and intestinal health from mouth to tail. It supports healthy gums and teeth while naturally promoting fresh breath. It also maintains proper gut flora which supports normal digestion and bowel function. If you are interested in starting your pet on Entero, you can pick up a bottle at Jewell or we can email you a link to order it online.
A dental hygiene chew like OraVet. OraVet Chews fight bad breath as well as plaque and tartar buildup. This product is only for dogs. You can pick up a bag at Jewell or we can email you a link to order it online. For February, if you schedule an oral procedure, you will receive a free 14-count bag!
Because we think that routine oral procedures are so important, we offer Dental Health Plans at Jewell Animal Hospital!! You get to prioritize your pet's dental health while managing the cost over an extended period if that will help you consider getting your pet in for an oral procedure. These plans are designed to allow you to receive a free dental consultation which will be followed with an estimate. Based on the estimate, you will make a deposit on the Dental Health Plan and pay off the remaining balance with 5 monthly payments. Once the plan is paid off, we schedule your oral procedure.
Of course, you don't need a Dental Health Plan to schedule an oral procedure. We can get you on the schedule ASAP if you just let us know.
We're sure you have heard the old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." When it comes to your pet's dental health, prevention is absolutely the key! We're hoping you will agree to make your pet's dental health one of your New Year's resolutions. Everyone jokes that New Year's resolutions never work so we're here to help you prove that wrong!
Please let us know if you have any questions, are interested in a Dental Health Plan, or would like to schedule your free dental consultation!