Why is Loose Leash Walking Important?
These are some common problems that can develop when you take your dog on a walk and they are not properly leash trained.
Anxiety. When walking your dog becomes a tug-of-war, it’s natural for you and your dog to feel anxious about the activity. You may avoid walks entirely, which not only decreases the amount of quality time you get to spend with your dog but also decreases their activity level. This can lead to boredom and, believe it or not, additional anxiety.
Reactivity. Sometimes walking is more than a tug-of-war—sometimes, it’s hanging on for dear life while your dog tries to chase after a small animal, barks at some poor kid out on a bike ride, or launches itself at another dog.
Injury. If you cannot establish confident control during walks, your dog pulling on the leash can injure you both. If you have a large dog, you’re more likely to have your arm wrenched, fall, or be dragged. Dogs can suffer from neck, thyroid, and nerve damage. If your dog shows signs of aggression on the leash, we don’t need to describe the possible consequences.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Mastering the Walk can make miserable dog walks a memory for pet parents.
Mastering the Walk helps dog owners understand just how sensitive their dogs are to their moods and feelings through dog training. That’s why we have this saying: It travels down the leash. If you’re cool and confident, your dog will sense it. If you’re nervous, your dog will sense that, too.
Our leash training protocol will help you set boundaries and communicate effectively until you’ve built enough confidence for your dog to know exactly how to walk politely on the leash.