THE STORY OF THE PEKE: Once upon a time there lived a lion. The lion had fallen deeply in love with a tiny monkey. The monkey, sensible as are all the feminine s*x, pointed out to the lion how ridiculous was the idea of marriage, because they were so different in size. The lion was inconsolable. He pleaded with the Lord Buddha to help him . Could not the Lord Buddha make him small like the pretty monkey, so that she might accept his favors? The Lord Buddha was impressed by the great love the lion had for the monkey..so great that for her he was willing to sacrifice his strength and power. And so he granted the lion's prayer but let him keep his great courage, his big heart,and his majesty. The lion and the monkey were married and from this union came the Pekingese - with the form, the heart, the courage and dignity of the lion and the impudent face, the intelligence and sense of the monkey.