Yesterday I got a call about 2 guinea pigs in desperate need for help.
I told myself ide never rescue again, but my motivation to ensure the best life for these little guys overtook my latest emotions.
When I got there I found that there wasn't 2 guinea pigs, but only one. Her bonded other, aparently 6 to 7 years old passed away.
The moment I got this little sow in my hands I immediately froze to feel she was skin and bones.
Trying not to be rude- I started a quick health check.
Due to her weight ...or lack of it- I checked the teeth.
The top incisors have been broken off and I could see her gums are extremely red and irritated.
I couldn't make it home without getting this little one something to eat.
It wasn't until I got home that I realized the velocity of her issues.
She weighed 725 grams at 2.5 years old, has a fungal infection in her ear, the start of bumble foot from living on the garage cement floor, and her bottom incisors are overgrown; cutting into her top gums. This little girl was in miserable pain and starving.
Ontop of that she has the worst urinary track infection I've ever seen, where her private parts bled with the slightest touch.
I already trimmed her bottom incisors and cleaned her up
She is currently on antibiotics and eating wet pellets as if she has never eaten before.
Even though she appears that she should make a full recovery, with cases like this- it can go south fast.
It will be a long recovery, but I have faith in her.
Hopefully we will see her up for adoption in a few months when she is back to health.